@article{fdi:010067177, title = {{S}patial modeling of man-made drainage density of agricultural landscapes}, author = {{L}evavasseur, {F}. and {L}agacherie, {P}. and {B}ailly, {J}.{S}. and {B}iarn{\`e}s, {A}nne and {C}olin, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n agricultural landscapes, drainage networks can be greatly extended by man-made linear features such as ditches. {M}odifying the density of these man-made drainage networks can be a valuable tool to modulate hydrological processes. {T}he objective of this paper is to determine the spatial variability of man-made drainage density in agricultural landscapes and to quantify the extent to which this density depends on the landscape attributes. {W}e performed field surveys of man-made drainage networks, identified potential explanatory variables, and modeled the density of drainage networks by employing multiple linear regression and kriging. {T}he explanatory variables were related to the topography, soil type, density of roads, and density of the field boundaries. {T}hese explanatory variables accounted for 55% of the variability in the density. {T}he remaining 45% of the variability were assumed to be related to socioeconomic factors, and represent the latitude in modifying these networks.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {L}and {U}se {S}cience}, volume = {10}, numero = {3}, pages = {256--276}, ISSN = {1747-423{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1080/1747423{X}.2014.884644}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067177}, }