@article{fdi:010067004, title = {{H}igh resolution 3-{D} shapes of fish schools : a new method to use the water column backscatter from hydrographic {M}ulti{B}eam {E}cho {S}ounders}, author = {{I}nnangi, {S}. and {B}onanno, {A}. and {T}onielli, {R}. and {G}erlotto, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {I}nnangi, {M}. and {M}azzola, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {M}ulti-{B}eam {E}cho {S}ounder ({MBES}) is a tool that allows getting information about bathymetric, morphological and compositional characteristics of the seabed surface. {A}lthough this is still one of the most important features in hydrography, {MBES} can now also discriminate the acoustic imaging of the water mass by recording sampled reflectivity measurements along each beam. {I}n this paper, two {MBES}, namely the {K}ongsberg {S}imrad {EM}3002{D} (300 k{H}z) and the {R}eson {S}eabed8125-{H} (455 k{H}z), which are generally employed to study seafloor characteristics, have been used for the identification of fish schools in the water column at very high resolution. {I}n particular, a methodology to identify and analyse fish schools through the {W}ater {C}olumn {B}ackscatter ({WCB}) is presented. {T}his methodology made it possible to obtain a wide variety of fish schools shape in 3-{D} (in our case, anchovies and sardines), which allowed a first study on the ecological behaviour of the schools according to their shape. {A}ll data were collected along with {K}ongsberg {S}imrad {EK}60 scientific echo sounder, allowing also a comparison of different approaches to fish schools identification. {T}he data presented in this paper were collected during two oceanographic surveys within the project {MEDIAS} ({MED}iteranean {I}nternational {A}coustic {S}urvey), {A}ncheva 2010 and {A}ncheva 2011. {B}eyond the mere visualization of school shapes, we also attempted to gain numerical values of the school volumes and to realize a more detailed study of anchovies and sardines school shapes. {I}n line with the current literature, this study showed that there are three main factors influencing the shape of a school, namely the depth of the bottom, the time of the day when data are acquired and the density of individuals in the investigated area.}, keywords = {{MBES} ({M}ulti-{B}eam {E}cho {S}ounders) ; {WCB} ({W}ater {C}olumn {B}ackscatter) ; {P}rocessing ; {F}ish schools shape ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {SICILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {A}coustics}, volume = {111}, numero = {}, pages = {148--160}, ISSN = {0003-682{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.04.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067004}, }