@article{fdi:010066997, title = {{T}he sequence of moderate-size earthquakes at the junction of the {L}igurian basin and the {C}orsica margin (western {M}editerranean) : the initiation of an active deformation zone revealed ?}, author = {{L}arroque, {C}. and {D}elouis, {B}. and {S}age, {F}. and {R}{\'e}gnier, {M}arc and {B}ethoux, {N}. and {C}ourboulex, {F}. and {D}eschamps, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new seismically active zone is found in the southern part of the {L}igurian basin, 80-km west of {C}orsica (western {M}editerranean). {T}he activity began in {F}ebruary 2011 with a foreshock ({M}-{L} 4) and a mainshock ({M}-{L} 53) 5 days later, followed by numerous aftershocks. {W}e first analyze the fore-and mainshock in detail. {W}e compare the results obtained using classical methods (linear location in a 1{D} medium and focal mechanisms from {P} and {S} polarities) and new approaches (non-linear location in a 3{D} medium and waveform modeling for determining the seismic moment and the focal mechanism). {B}oth methods provided similar results for location, depth (in the range of 6-13 km) and focal mechanisms, which reveal reverse faulting with nodal planes oriented {N}-{S} and {NE}-{SW}. {W}e then locate 27 of the aftershocks in the 3{D} model and find a 10-km-long {NE}-{SW} alignment with a depth between 7 and 16 km. {I}n 2012 and 2013, three other moderate-size events ({ML} 3.8, 4 and 4.5) occurred and confirm that this zone is still active. {T}he epicentral area is located in the oceanic domain of the {L}igurian {B}asin. {F}rom analysis of the bathymetry and high-resolution multi-channel seismic profiles, no morphologic anomaly at surface and no inherited fault in the shallow similar to 4 km depth were imaged, which suggest that no significant deformation occurred in the area since 5 {M}a. {T}hus, the structure(s) activated during the 2011-2013 sequence remain unknown. {I}n light of these results, we point out a notable difference on both sides of the {L}igurian {B}asin: the northern margin, close to the alpine chain, suffered strong earthquakes and large cumulated deformation since 5 {M}a, while the southern margin, close to the {C}orsica-{S}ardinia continental block, is poorly deformed since 5 {M}a.}, keywords = {{A}ctive tectonics ; {W}estern {M}editerranean ; {C}orsica margin ; {E}arthquakes ; {F}ocal mechanisms ; {MCS} profiles ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {FRANCE} ; {ITALIE} ; {CORSE} ; {SARDAIGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonophysics}, volume = {676}, numero = {}, pages = {135--147}, ISSN = {0040-1951}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066997}, }