@article{fdi:010066969, title = {{M}obile phone data highlights the role of mass gatherings in the spreading of cholera outbreaks}, author = {{F}inger, {F}. and {G}enolet, {T}. and {M}ari, {L}. and {C}onstantin de {M}agny, {G}uillaume and {M}anga, {N}. {M}. and {R}inaldo, {A}. and {B}ertuzzo, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he spatiotemporal evolution of human mobility and the related fluctuations of population density are known to be key drivers of the dynamics of infectious disease outbreaks. {T}hese factors are particularly relevant in the case of mass gatherings, which may act as hotspots of disease transmission and spread. {U}nderstanding these dynamics, however, is usually limited by the lack of accurate data, especially in developing countries. {M}obile phone call data provide a new, first-order source of information that allows the tracking of the evolution of mobility fluxes with high resolution in space and time. {H}ere, we analyze a dataset of mobile phone records of similar to 150,000 users in {S}enegal to extract human mobility fluxes and directly incorporate them into a spatially explicit, dynamic epidemiological framework. {O}ur model, which also takes into account other drivers of disease transmission such as rainfall, is applied to the 2005 cholera outbreak in {S}enegal, which totaled more than 30,000 reported cases. {O}ur findings highlight the major influence that a mass gathering, which took place during the initial phase of the outbreak, had on the course of the epidemic. {S}uch an effect could not be explained by classic, static approaches describing human mobility. {M}odel results also show how concentrated efforts toward disease control in a transmission hotspot could have an important effect on the large-scale progression of an outbreak.}, keywords = {mobile phone call data ; cholera epidemics ; spatially explicit ; epidemiological models ; waterborne disease ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}roceedings of the {N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences of the {U}nited {S}tates of {A}merica}, volume = {113}, numero = {23}, pages = {6421--6426}, ISSN = {0027-8424}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.1522305113}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066969}, }