@article{fdi:010066958, title = {{E}valuation of an operational ocean model configuration at 1/12 degrees spatial resolution for the {I}ndonesian seas ({NEMO}2.3/{INDO}12) : {P}art 1 : {O}cean physics}, author = {{T}ranchant, {B}. and {R}effray, {G}. and {G}reiner, {E}. and {N}ugroho, {D}. and {K}och {L}arrouy, {A}riane and {G}aspar, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{INDO}12 is a 1/12 degrees regional version of the {NEMO} physical ocean model covering the whole {I}ndonesian {EEZ} ({E}xclusive {E}conomic {Z}one). {I}t has been developed and is now running every week in the framework of the {INDESO} ({I}nfrastructure {D}evelopment of {S}pace {O}ceanography) project implemented by the {I}ndonesian {M}inistry of {M}arine {A}ffairs and {F}isheries. {T}he initial hydrographic conditions as well as open-boundary conditions are derived from the operational global ocean forecasting system at 1/4 degrees operated by {M}ercator {O}cean. {A}tmospheric forcing fields (3-hourly {ECMWF} ({E}uropean {C}entre for {M}edium-{R}ange {W}eather {F}orecast) analyses) are used to force the regional model. {INDO}12 is also forced by tidal currents and elevations, and by the inverse barometer effect. {T}he turbulent mixing induced by internal tides is taken into account through a specific parameterisation. {I}n this study we evaluate the model skill through comparisons with various data sets including outputs of the parent model, climatologies, in situ temperature and salinity measurements, and satellite data. {T}he biogeochemical model results assessment is presented in a companion paper ({G}utknecht et al., 2015). {T}he simulated and altimeter-derived {E}ddy {K}inetic {E}nergy fields display similar patterns and confirm that tides are a dominant forcing in the area. {T}he volume transport of the {I}ndonesian throughflow ({ITF}) is in good agreement with the {INSTANT} estimates while the transport through {L}uzon {S}trait is, on average, westward but probably too weak. {C}ompared to satellite data, surface salinity and temperature fields display marked biases in the {S}outh {C}hina {S}ea. {S}ignificant water mass transformation occurs along the main routes of the {ITF} and compares well with observations. {V}ertical mixing is able to modify the {S}outh and {N}orth {P}acific subtropical water-salinity maximum as seen in {T} - {S} diagrams. {I}n spite of a few weaknesses, {INDO}12 proves to be able to provide a very realistic simulation of the ocean circulation and water mass transformation through the {I}ndonesian {A}rchipelago. {W}ork is ongoing to reduce or eliminate the remaining problems in the second {INDO}12 version.}, keywords = {{INDONESIE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoscientific {M}odel {D}evelopment}, volume = {9}, numero = {3}, pages = {1037--1064}, ISSN = {1991-959{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.5194/gmd-9-1037-2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066958}, }