@article{fdi:010066921, title = {{A}tmospheric predictors for annual maximum precipitation in {N}orth {A}frica}, author = {{N}asri, {B}. and {T}ramblay, {Y}ves and {E}l {A}dlouni, {S}. and {H}ertig, {E}. and {O}uarda, {T}. {B} .{M}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he high precipitation variability over {N}orth {A}frica presents a major challenge for the population and the infrastructure in the region. {T}he last decades have seen many flood events caused by extreme precipitation in this area. {T}here is a strong need to identify the most relevant atmospheric predictors to model these extreme events. {I}n the present work, the effect of 14 different predictors calculated from {NCEP}-{NCAR} reanalysis, with daily to seasonal time steps, on the maximum annual precipitation ({MAP}) is evaluated at six coastal stations located in {N}orth {A}frica ({L}arache, {T}angier, {M}elilla, {A}lgiers, {T}unis, and {G}abes). {T}he generalized extreme value ({GEV}) {B}-spline model was used to detect this influence. {T}his model considers all continuous dependence forms (linear, quadratic, etc.) between the covariates and the variable of interest, thus providing a very flexible framework to evaluate the covariate effects on the {GEV} model parameters. {R}esults show that no single set of covariates is valid for all stations. {O}verall, a strong dependence between the {NCEP}-{NCAR} predictors and {MAP} is detected, particularly with predictors describing large-scale circulation (geopotential height) or moisture (humidity). {T}his study can therefore provide insights for developing extreme precipitation downscaling models that are tailored for {N}orth {A}frican conditions.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DU} {NORD} ; {MAROC} ; {ALGERIE} ; {TUNISIE} ; {TANGER} ; {ALGER} ; {TUNIS} ; {GABES} ; {LARACHE} ; {MELILLA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {M}eteorology and {C}limatology}, volume = {55}, numero = {4}, pages = {1063--1076}, ISSN = {1558-8424}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1175/jamc-d-14-0122.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066921}, }