@article{fdi:010066903, title = {{T}he {S}outh {P}acific epidemic strain of {Z}ika virus replicates efficiently in human epithelial {A}549 cells leading to {IFN}-beta production and apoptosis induction}, author = {{F}rumence, {E}. and {R}oche, {M}. and {K}rejbich-{T}rotot, {P}. and {E}l-{K}alamouni, {C}. and {N}ativel, {B}. and {R}ondeau, {P}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {G}adea, {G}. and {V}iranaicken, {W}. and {D}espr{\`e}s, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Z}ika virus ({ZIKV}) is an emerging flavivirus since the first epidemics in {S}outh {P}acific in 2007. {T}he recent finding that {ZIKV} is now circulating in {W}estern {H}emisphere and can be associated to severe human diseases, warrants the need for its study. {H}ere we evaluate the susceptibility of human lung epithelial {A}549 cells to {S}outh {P}acific epidemic strain of {ZIKV} isolated in 2013. {W}e showed that {ZIKV} growth in {A}549 cells is greatly efficient. {ZIKV} infection resulted in the secretion of {IFN}-beta followed by the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as {IL}-1 beta, and transcriptional activity of {IFIT} genes. {A}t the maximum of virus progeny production, {ZIKV} triggers mitochondrial apoptosis through activation of caspases-3 and -9. {W}hereas at early infection times, the rapid release of {IFN}-1 beta which exerts an antiviral effect against {ZIKV} might delay apoptosis in infected cells.}, keywords = {{Z}ika virus ; {A}rbovirus ; {E}merging virus ; {V}iral pathogenicity ; {A}poptosis ; {O}xidative stress ; {I}nnate immunity ; {T}ype-{I} interferon ; {H}uman epithelial cells ; {POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {PACIFIQUE} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}irology}, volume = {493}, numero = {}, pages = {217--226}, ISSN = {0042-6822}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.virol.2016.03.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066903}, }