@article{fdi:010066891, title = {{L}ow prevalence of iron and vitamin {A} deficiency among {C}ambodian women of reproductive age}, author = {{W}ieringa, {F}ranck and {S}ophonneary, {P}. and {W}hitney, {S}. and {M}ao, {B}. and {B}erger, {J}acques and {C}onkle, {J}. and {D}ijkhuizen, {M}. {A}. and {L}aillou, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}early half of women of reproductive age ({WRA}) in {C}ambodia are anemic. {T}o guide interventions, national data on nutritional causes of anemia, including iron deficiency and vitamin {A} deficiency, are needed. {I}n 2012, a national household survey in {WRA} on antibodies to routine vaccine-preventable disease immunity was performed. {W}e used serum samples from this survey to estimate the prevalence of iron and vitamin {A} deficiency in 2112 {C}ambodian {WRA}, aged 15 to 39 years. {I}ron deficiency was classified as low or marginal iron stores (ferritin concentrations corrected for inflammation <15 mu g/{L} and <50 mu g/{L} respectively; {F}er), iron deficient erythropoiesis (soluble transferrin receptor concentrations >8.3 mg/{L}; s{T}f{R}), or low total body iron ({TBI}) derived from {F}er and s{T}f{R} concentrations (<0 mg/kg). {V}itamin {A} status was classified using retinol binding protein ({RBP}) concentrations corrected for inflammation as deficient (<0.70 mu mol/{L}) or marginal (<1.05 mu mol/{L}. {O}verall, the prevalence of low iron stores, low {TBI} and iron deficient erythropoiesis was 8.1%, 5.0% and 9.3% respectively. {A}lmost 40% of the women had marginal iron stores. {I}ron status was better in women living in urban areas compared to rural areas (p < 0.05 for {TBI} and s{T}f{R}). {T}he prevalence of vitamin {A} deficiency was < 1%. {T}hese findings suggest that the contribution of iron and vitamin {A} deficiency to the high prevalence of anemia in {C}ambodian {WRA} may be limited. {T}he etiology of anemia in {C}ambodia needs to be elucidated further to guide current policies on anemia.}, keywords = {iron ; vitamin {A} ; deficiency ; {C}ambodia ; women of reproductive age ; inflammation ; {CAMBODGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}utrients}, volume = {8}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 197 [8 p.]}, ISSN = {2072-6643}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3390/nu8040197}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066891}, }