@article{fdi:010066888, title = {{T}rophic relationships between metazooplankton communities and their plankton food sources in the {I}les {E}parses ({W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean)}, author = {{D}upuy, {C}. and {P}agano, {M}arc and {G}ot, {P}. and {D}omaizon, {I}. and {C}happuis, {A}. and {M}archessaux, {G}. and {B}ouvy, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oral reef and atoll lagoons are among the most diversified marine ecosystems but also the most affected by the combined effects of climate change and human activities. {T}he {I}les {E}parses ({S}cattered {I}slands) in the {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean have been little affected by human pressure and can be considered to be "pristine" ecosystems. {M}etazooplankton plays a major role in the functioning and productivity of aquatic ecosystems, and this study was undertaken: (i) to determine the spatial abundance, distribution and species composition of metazooplankton, (ii) to assess the effect of metazooplankton grazing on pico- and nanophytoplankton and (iii) to analyze the trophic positions of metazooplankton by using the stable isotope signatures of a wide variety of taxa and particulate organic matter from the {I}les {E}parses and {M}ayotte. {T}romelin {I}sland (which is not located in the {M}ozambique {C}hannel) had the lowest metazooplankton abundance with no cyanobacteria {T}richodesmium spp. or mollusks (pteropods) presence, and with delta {N}-15 signatures of organisms that were higher than for the islands in the {M}ozambique {C}hannel. {T}richodesmium spp. was found in the {M}ozambique {C}hannel and the plankton food web was probably based preferentially on these cyanobacteria with lower delta {N}-15 signatures indicating direct or indirect trophic transfer of diazotrophic nitrogen to metazooplankton. {T}hree of the islands were distinct: {E}uropa had the highest proportion of copepods, with oithonids being dominant, which is typical of rich mangrove systems, while {J}uan de {N}ova and {M}ayotte seemed to be the sites most affected by human activity with a high abundance of appendicularians and distinct particulate organic matter partial derivative {C}-13 signatures. {G}razing experiments showed that food could be a limiting factor for metazooplankton in the {I}les {E}parses. {H}owever, the effect of metazooplankton grazing on phytoplankton appeared to be very low (0.01-232% of the total phytoplankton per day).}, keywords = {{M}etazooplankton ; {S}patial distribution ; {G}razing effect ; {F}eeding ecology ; {I}les {E}parses ; {M}ayotte ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {MAYOTTE} ; {EPARSES} {ILES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {E}nvironmental {R}esearch}, volume = {116}, numero = {}, pages = {18--31}, ISSN = {0141-1136}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marenvres.2016.02.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066888}, }