@article{fdi:010066873, title = {{M}ineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characterization of authigenic carbonates from the methane-bearing sediments of the {B}ering {S}ea continental margin ({IODP} {E}xpedition 323, {S}ites {U}1343-{U}1345)}, author = {{P}ierre, {C}. and {B}lanc-{V}alleron, {M}. {M}. and {C}aquineau, {S}andrine and {M}arz, {C}. and {R}avelo, {A}. {C}. and {T}akahashi, {K}. and {Z}arikian, {C}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring {E}xpedition 323 of the {I}ntegrated {O}cean {D}rilling {P}rogram to the {B}ering {S}ea ({J}uly 5-{S}eptember 4, 2009), three sites were drilled along the {B}ering {S}ea northeastern continental margin [{U}1343 down to 745 meters below sea floor (mbsf), {U}1344 (745 mbsf), {U}1345 (150 mbsf)]. {D}iagenetic carbonates are present at all sites within the clayey, diatom-rich oozes of the {B}ering {S}ea, where pore waters are also characterized by extremely high methane concentrations. {W}e here present mineralogical, elemental and isotopic data obtained from the authigenic carbonate-rich intercalations within the clay-rich {P}leistocene sediments deposited along the {B}ering {S}ea continental margin. {T}he mineralogy of the authigenic carbonates is generally represented by composite mixtures of very small crystals of magnesian calcite, dolomite, and iron-rich carbonates, with the latter phases occurring below 260 mbsf at {S}ite {U}1343, below 200 mbsf at {S}ite {U}1344, and below 130 mbsf at {S}ite {U}1345. {E}lement geochemistry shows that {C}a, {M}g, {F}e, {B}a, {M}n, {S}r and {U} are enriched in the carbonate-rich intercalations relative to the background sediments due to their incorporation into the carbonates and into other authigenic phases (e.g., barite and pyrite). {T}he oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the authigenic carbonate minerals show that they were sequentially precipitated from pore waters at different temperatures (i.e., different burial depths) and with different isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic carbon ({DIC}). {T}he authigenic {M}g calcite precipitated early during diagenesis and shallow burial from a {C}-13-depleted {DIC} pool, whereas dolomite and {F}e-rich carbonates formed during later diagenesis and deeper burial from a {C}-13-enriched {DIC} pool. {T}hese authigenic carbonate occurrences are interpreted as resulting from microbial sulfate reduction combined with anaerobic oxidation of methane, and methanogenesis that was intimately linked to the alteration of silicates, especially iron-rich clay minerals.}, keywords = {{B}ering {S}ea ; {A}uthigenic carbonates ; {M}ethane ; {O}xygen and carbon stable isotopes ; {E}lement geochemistry ; {S}ilicate alteration ; {BERING} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}. {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, volume = {125}, numero = {}, pages = {133--144}, ISSN = {0967-0645}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.03.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066873}, }