@article{fdi:010066797, title = {{X}enomonitoring of sleeping sickness transmission in {C}ampo ({C}ameroon)}, author = {{G}r{\'e}baut, {P}ascal and {M}elachio, {T}. and {N}yangmang, {S}. and {E}yenga, {V}. {E}. and {N}jitchouang, {G}. {R}. and {O}fon, {E}. and {N}jiokou, {F}. and {S}imo, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}he sleeping sickness focus of {C}ampo in {S}outh {C}ameroon is still active, at a low endemic level, for more than a century, despite a regular medical surveillance. {T}he present study focuses on the spatial distribution of xenomonitoring information obtained from an entomological survey performed in the dry season 2012. {I}t appears that humans constitute a third of the blood meals and that the flies' densities were coherent with those classically observed in the different biotopes. {P}aradoxically, the epicenter of the focus is the place where the risk indicators are the lowest ones. {M}ethods: {P}articular attention was paid to the entomological device so that it covered the main part of human activities in the study area. {O}ne hundred and sixty-two pyramidal traps were used to catch tsetse flies twice a day that were identified, counted, dissected. {M}olecular analysis using classical and specific molecular markers was conducted to determine the importance of trypanosome infections and the nature of the feeding hosts. {T}his information was used to calculate a {T}ransmission {R}isk {I}ndex and to define a gradient of risk that was projected into a {G}eographical {I}nformation {S}ystem. {R}esults: {C}onventional entomological indicators such as species identification of tsetse flies or the {A}pparent {D}ensity per {T}rap per day, show that {G}lossina palpalis palpalis is the main species in the campo area which is classically distributed into the different biotopes of the study area. {M}olecular analysis reveals that humans constitute a third of the blood feeding hosts and that 20 % of the dissected flies were infected with trypanosomes, principally with {N}annomonas. {N}evertheless, one fly was carrying {T}rypanosoma brucei gambiense, the pathogen agent of sleeping sickness, showing that the reservoir is still active in the epicenter of the focus. {P}aradoxically, the {T}ransmission {R}isk {I}ndex is not important in the epicenter, demonstrating that endemic events are not only depending on the man/vector contact. {C}onclusion: {X}enomonitoring provides a valuable guide/tool to determine places at higher risk for vector/human contact and to identify trypanosomes species circulating in the focus. {T}his information from xenomonitoring demonstrates that decision makers should include a veterinary device in a control strategy.}, keywords = {{H}uman {A}frican trypanosomiasis ; {G}lossina ; {X}enomonitoring ; {T}ransmission ; {R}isk ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 201 [9 p.]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-016-1479-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066797}, }