@article{fdi:010066782, title = {{A}n eco-epidemiological study of {M}orbilli-related paramyxovirus infection in {M}adagascar bats reveals host-switching as the dominant macro-evolutionary mechanism}, author = {{M}elade, {J}. and {W}ieseke, {N}. and {R}amasindrazana, {B}. and {F}lores, {O}. and {L}agadec, {E}. and {G}omard, {Y}. and {G}oodman, {S}. {M}. and {D}ellagi, {K}oussay and {P}ascalis, {H}erv{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n eco-epidemiological investigation was carried out on {M}adagascar bat communities to better understand the evolutionary mechanisms and environmental factors that affect virus transmission among bat species in closely related members of the genus {M}orbillivirus, currently referred to as {U}nclassified {M}orbilli-related paramyxoviruses ({UMRV}s). {A} total of 947 bats were investigated originating from 52 capture sites (22 caves, 18 buildings, and 12 outdoor sites) distributed over different bioclimatic zones of the island. {U}sing {RT}-{PCR} targeting the {L}-polymerase gene of the {P}aramyxoviridae family, we found that 10.5% of sampled bats were infected, representing six out of seven families and 15 out of 31 species analyzed. {U}nivariate analysis indicates that both abiotic and biotic factors may promote viral infection. {U}sing generalized linear modeling of {UMRV} infection overlaid on biotic and abiotic variables, we demonstrate that sympatric occurrence of bats is a major factor for virus transmission. {P}hylogenetic analyses revealed that all paramyxoviruses infecting {M}alagasy bats are {UMRV}s and showed little host specificity. {A}nalyses using the maximum parsimony reconciliation tool {C}o{R}e-{PA}, indicate that host-switching, rather than co-speciation, is the dominant macro-evolutionary mechanism of {UMRV}s among {M}alagasy bats.}, keywords = {{MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 23752 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1038/srep23752}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066782}, }