@article{fdi:010066781, title = {{D}riving factors of the directional variability of thermal infrared signal in temperate regions}, author = {{D}uffour, {C}. and {L}agouarde, {J}. {P}. and {O}lioso, {A}. and {D}emarty, {J}{\'e}rome and {R}oujean, {J}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}and surface temperature ({LST}) is a good indicator of the land surface state. {T}he measurement of {LST} is however prone to directional anisotropy which may severely affect the interpretation of the measurements if it is not corrected. {T}his study aims at determining and describing the impact of various factors on anisotropy of continuous crops at mid-latitudes. {T}he {SCOPE} ({S}oil {C}anopy {O}bservation, {P}hotochemistry and {E}nergy fluxes) model is used as a data generator of directional anisotropy since it enables exploring a very large range of meteorological, biochemical and geometrical conditions. {A}n original indicator, the standard deviation of anisotropy in principal plane, is used in order to investigate the impact of the tested variables and parameters. {W}e found that anisotropy is, at first order, related to seasonal trends, in relation to the amount of incident radiation and the solar zenith angle. {T}hen the geometrical structure of the canopy modifies the anisotropy ({LAI}, {LADF}, hot spot parameter) followed by the coupling between the water status of the soil and the stress of canopy. {W}ind speed which is known for having a significant impact on temperature level has a very limited influence on anisotropy. {A}n analysis of the amplitude of anisotropy in the principal and perpendicular planes (from -50 degrees to 50 degrees zenith) showed that anisotropy can reach up to 11 degrees {C} and similar to 3.5 degrees {C} respectively. {T}he impact of satellite orbit on anisotropy is also discussed and it is found that, given the latitudes and the season, the anisotropy can severely affect measurements. {T}his is particularly true when the satellite measurements are acquired in a configuration close to the solar principal plane, which often occur at low latitude. {T}hese results are of great help in the context of developing simple methods which could then be integrated into satellite data processing algorithms.}, keywords = {{T}hermal infrared remote sensing ; {L}and surface temperature ; {D}irectional anisotropy ; {SCOPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing of {E}nvironment}, volume = {177}, numero = {}, pages = {248--264}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2016.02.024}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066781}, }