@article{fdi:010066757, title = {{I}mpacts of {I}ndian and {A}tlantic oceans on {ENSO} in a comprehensive modeling framework}, author = {{T}erray, {P}ascal and {M}asson, {S}. and {P}rodhomme, {C}. and {R}oxy, {M}. {K}. and {S}ooraj, {K}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he impact of the {I}ndian and {A}tlantic oceans variability on {E}l {N}io-{S}outhern-{O}scillation ({ENSO}) phenomenon is investigated through sensitivity experiments with the {SINTEX}-{F}2 coupled model. {F}or each experiment, we suppressed the sea surface temperature ({SST}) variability in either the {I}ndian or {A}tlantic oceans by applying a strong nudging of the {SST} toward a {SST} climatology computed either from a control experiment or observations. {I}n the sensitivity experiments where the nudging is done toward a control {SST} climatology, the {P}acific mean state and seasonal cycle are not changed. {C}onversely, nudging toward an observed {SST} climatology in the {I}ndian or {A}tlantic domain significantly improves the mean state and seasonal cycle, not only in the nudged domain, but also in the whole tropics. {T}hese experiments also demonstrate that decoupling the {I}ndian or {A}tlantic variability modifies the phase-locking of {ENSO} to the annual cycle, influences significantly the timing and processes of {ENSO} onset and termination stages, and, finally, shifts to lower frequencies the main {ENSO} periodicities. {O}verall, these results suggest that both the {I}ndian and {A}tlantic {SST}s have a significant damping effect on {ENSO} variability and promote a shorter {ENSO} cycle. {T}he reduction of {ENSO} amplitude is particularly significant when the {I}ndian {O}cean is decoupled, but the shift of {ENSO} to lower frequencies is more pronounced in the {A}tlantic decoupled experiments. {T}hese changes of {ENSO} statistical properties are related to stronger {B}jerknes and thermocline feedbacks in the nudged experiments. {D}uring the mature phase of {E}l {N}io events, warm {SST} anomalies are found over the {I}ndian and {A}tlantic oceans in observations or the control run. {C}onsistent with previous studies, the nudged experiments demonstrate that these warm {SST}s induce easterly surface wind anomalies over the far western equatorial {P}acific, which fasten the transition from {E}l {N}io to {L}a {N}ia and promote a shorter {ENSO} cycle in the control run. {T}hese results may be explained by modulations of the {W}alker circulation induced directly or indirectly by the {I}ndian and {A}tlantic {SST}s. {A}nother interesting result is that decoupling the {A}tlantic or {I}ndian oceans change the timing of {ENSO} onset and the relative role of other {ENSO} atmospheric precursors such as the extra-tropical {P}acific {M}eridional {M}odes or the {W}estern {N}orth {P}acific {SST}s.}, keywords = {{E}l {N}ino-{S}outhern {O}scillation ; {I}ndian {O}cean ; {A}tlantic {O}cean ; {O}cean-atmosphere interactions ; {C}oupled climate model ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {46}, numero = {7-8}, pages = {2507--2533}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-015-2715-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066757}, }