@article{fdi:010066727, title = {{A}nalysis of metagenomic data reveals common features of halophilic viral communities across continents}, author = {{R}oux, {S}. and {E}nault, {F}. and {R}avet, {V}. and {C}olombet, {J}. and {B}ettarel, {Y}van and {A}uguet, {J}. {C}. and {B}ouvier, {T}. and {L}ucas-{S}taat, {S}. and {V}ellet, {A}. and {P}rangishvili, {D}. and {F}orterre, {P}. and {D}ebroas, {D}. and {S}ime-{N}gando, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}icrobial communities from hypersaline ponds, dominated by halophilic archaea, are considered specific of such extreme conditions. {T}he associated viral communities have accordingly been shown to display specific features, such as similar morphologies among different sites. {H}owever, little is known about the genetic diversity of these halophilic viral communities across the {E}arth. {H}ere, we studied viral communities in hypersaline ponds sampled on the coast of {S}enegal (8-36% of salinity) using metagenomics approach, and compared them with hypersaline viromes from {A}ustralia and {S}pain. {T}he specificity of hyperhalophilic viruses could first be demonstrated at a community scale, salinity being a strong discriminating factor between communities. {F}or the major viral group detected in all samples ({C}audovirales), only a limited number of halophilic {C}audovirales clades were highlighted. {T}hese clades gather viruses from different continents and display consistent genetic composition, indicating that they represent related lineages with a worldwide distribution. {N}on-tailed hyperhalophilic viruses display a greater rate of gene transfer and recombination, with uncharacterized genes conserved across different kind of viruses and plasmids. {T}hus, hypersaline viral communities around the world appear to form a genetically consistent community that are likely to harbour new genes coding for enzymes specifically adapted to these environments.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL} ; {SALOUN} {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {RETBA} {LAC} ; {AUSTRALIE} ; {ESPAGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {18}, numero = {3}, pages = {889--903}, ISSN = {1462-2912}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/1462-2920.13084}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066727}, }