@article{fdi:010066691, title = {{C}omparison of floral structure and ontogeny in monoecious and dioecious species of the palm tribe {C}hamaedoreeae ({A}recaceae ; {A}recoideae)}, author = {{C}astano, {F}elipe and {M}arquinez, {X}. and {C}r{\`e}vecoeur, {M}. and {C}ollin, {M}yriam and {S}tauffer, {F}. {W}. and {T}regear, {J}ames}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}remise of research. {T}he sexuality of flowers is an important reproductive character in angiosperms. {A}n insight into the evolutionary events that led to the appearance of monoecious and dioecious species can be gained by comparing closely related groups with contrasting characters. {F}or this study, we focused on the tribe {C}hamaedoreeae, within which dioecy appears to have evolved twice from a monoecious ancestor. {M}ethodology. {T}o improve our knowledge of flower structure and ontogeny in this group, {SEM} and anatomical sectioning were performed on inflorescences and flowers of the dioecious species {C}hamaedorea tepejilote and the monoecious species {H}yophorbe lagenicaulis at different developmental stages. {P}ivotal results. {O}ur data highlighted that the higher degree of spatial sexual separation seen in the dioecious {C}. tepejilote, compared to the monoecious {H}. lagenicaulis, is accompanied by a more accentuated dimorphism between male and female flowers. {M}ore specifically, in the case of {C}. tepejilote, the vestigial reproductive organs (staminodes of the female flower and pistillode of the male flower) are more rudimentary structures, in terms of their developmental differentiation, than their homologs in {H}. lagenicaulis. {C}onclusions. {O}ur data suggest that the unisexual flowers already present in the monoecious ancestor of the {C}hamaedoreeae underwent further modifications either shortly before or since the appearance of dioecy in the genus {C}hamaedorea. {T}hese structural changes were presumably the result of genomic mutations causing earlier developmental arrest of the vestigial reproductive organs and are likely, in turn, to have conferred enhanced resource-allocation efficiency.}, keywords = {flower development ; {C}hamaedoreeae ; {H}yophorbe ; {C}hamaedorea ; monoecy ; dioecy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {P}lant {S}ciences}, volume = {177}, numero = {3}, pages = {247--262}, ISSN = {1058-5893}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1086/684262}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066691}, }