@article{fdi:010066673, title = {{A} new large species of {M}yloplus ({C}haraciformes, {S}errasalmidae) from the {R}io {M}adeira basin, {B}razil}, author = {{A}ndrade, {M}. {C}. and {J}{\'e}gu, {M}ichel and {G}iarrizzo, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}yloplus zorroi sp. n. is described from the {R}io {M}adeira {B}asin in {A}mazonia. {T}he new species had been treated as an undescribed {T}ometes species because of the absence of a marked abdominal keel and few small spines forming its prepelvic serrae, features commonly found in the species of the {M}yleus clade of the {S}errasalmidae (species of genera {M}yleus, {M}ylesinus, {O}ssubtus and {T}ometes) and also in species of {U}tiaritichthys. {M}yloplus zorroi sp. n. shares the following characters with its congeners and {U}tiaritichthys: molariform teeth (versus incisiform teeth in {M}yleus clade members); a labial row of premaxillary teeth separated from lingual row by an internal gap (versus absence of internal gap between premaxillary teeth rows); and an ascending process of premaxilla wide from its base to the tip (versus ascending process tapering from its base to the tip). {L}ike other {M}yloplus species, {M}. zorroi sp. n. differs from {U}tiariticthys by having a deeper body, approximately 60% of standard length (versus usually less than 50% of standard length). {C}onsidering all the morphological evidence, including the presence of 13-19 low spines forming the prepelvic serrae in {M}. zorroi sp. n. versus more than 20 high spines forming a marked prepelvic keel in other species of {M}ylopus, the new species is here assigned to {M}yloplus. {C}omparisons of the new species with nominal species of {M}yloplus, representatives of the {M}yleus clade, and other related taxa are provided.}, keywords = {{O}stariophysi ; {M}yleus ; rapids ; pacu ; freshwater fish ; taxonomy ; {BRESIL} ; {MADEIRA} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ookeys}, numero = {571}, pages = {153--167}, ISSN = {1313-2989}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3897/zookeys.571.5983}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066673}, }