@inproceedings{fdi:010066631, title = {{O}b{S}erve : database and operational software for longline and purse seine fishery data}, author = {{C}auquil, {P}ascal and {R}abearisoa, {N}jaratiana and {S}abarros, {P}hilippe and {C}havance, {P}ierre and {B}ach, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bservation data collected aboard fishing vessels are essential to describe the impact of fisheries on fish community. {T}he {I}nstitut de {R}echerche pour le {D}{\'e}veloppement ({IRD}, {F}rance) has been sending observers aboard tropical purse-seiners since 1995 in the {A}tlantic and {I}ndian {O}ceans, and longliners since 2007 in the {I}ndian {O}cean. {S}ince 2005, {IRD} is appointed by the {E}uropean {U}nion ({EU}) and the {F}rench {D}irection des {P}{\^e}ches {M}aritimes et de l’{A}quaculture ({DPMA}, {F}rench government) to conduct scientific observations aboard {F}rench vessels to monitor tropical fisheries in the framework of {EU} {D}ata {C}ollection {F}ramework ({DCF}). {T}o monitor this program, the {O}bservatoire {T}honier ({OT}) from {IRD} has been developing since 2010 an information system named {O}b{S}erve that is intended to manage data collected in the framework of {DCF}. {O}b{S}erve consists of (i) a central database based on {P}ostgre{SQL}, (ii) a {J}ava-based software used for data acquisition and management, and (iii) data synchronization features between these two modules. {T}his system was originally dedicated to purse-seine fisheries but now supports longline ones. {F}urthermore, historical data were transfered into {O}b{S}erve that now covers 1995-2015 for purse-seine observer data and 2002-2015 for the pelagic longline. {O}b{S}erve was designed to be generic in order to cover the needs of any observation program of purse-seine or longline fisheries. {O}b{S}erve is being used by several institutes, administration and companies that carry out observer surveys on purseseiners: {IEO} and {AZTI} ({S}pain), {SFA} ({S}eychelles), {O}ceanic {D}evelopment ({F}rance), {B}i{G}eye ({I}vory {C}oast), {T}erres {A}ustrales et {A}ntarctiques {F}ran{\c{c}}aises ({F}rance), and longliners: {H}ydr{\^o} {R}un ({R}eunion {I}sland, {F}rance) and {L}e {P}arc {N}aturel {M}arin de {M}ayotte ({F}rance). {O}b{S}erve is an open source system and can be easily adopted by other partners that have to manage observer data for purse-seine and longline fisheries.}, keywords = {{GESTION} {DES} {PECHES} ; {ENGIN} {PECHE} ; {OBSERVATOIRE} ; {LOGICIEL} {D}'{APPLICATION} ; {ACQUISITION} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {SYSTEME} {D}'{INFORMATION} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {EUROPE} ; {FRANCE}}, numero = {{IOTC}-2015-{WPB}13-29}, pages = {20}, booktitle = {{GTPP} 13 : 13{\`e}me groupe de travail sur les poissons porte-{\'e}p{\'e}es}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066631}, }