@article{fdi:010066480, title = {{I}nfluence of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth performance and the incidence of cannibalism in {P}seudoplatystoma punctifer ({C}astelnau, 1855) larvae and early juveniles}, author = {{D}arias, {M}aria {J}ose and {C}astro-{R}uiz, {D}. and {E}stivals, {G}uillain and {Q}uazuguel, {P}. and {F}ernandez-{M}endez, {C}. and {N}unez {R}odriguez, {J}esus and {C}lota, {F}. and {G}illes, {S}ylvain and {G}arcia-{D}avila, {C}. and {G}isbert, {E}. and {C}ahu, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different dietary protein and lipid levels and their ratios on larval growth, survival and the incidence of cannibalism in {P}seudoplatystoma punctifer. {L}arvae were raised in a recirculation system from 3 to 26days post-fertilization (dpf) (2-25days post hatching, dph) at an initial density of 40 larvae {L}-1, 27.8 +/- 0.65 degrees {C} and 0{L}:24{D} photoperiod. {L}arvae were fed from 4 to 12 dpf with {A}rtemia nauplii and weaned onto four different compound diets from 13 dpf within 3days, then fed exclusively with these diets until 26 dpf. {T}hese diets contained 30:15, 30:10, 45:15 or 45:10 protein:lipid ({P}:{L}) (in % of dry matter) levels. {A} control group was fed {A}rtemia nauplii until 17 dpf and weaned thereafter with the 45{P}:10{L} compound diet. {T}he experiment was carried out in triplicate. {R}esults showed higher growth and survival rates and lower incidence of cannibalism in the group fed the 45{P}:15{L} diet than in the other treatments. {D}ifferences in larval survival and growth performance were associated with the higher protein and lipid content rather than the protein:lipid ratio of this diet. {W}hen comparing diets with the same protein level, the increase in dietary lipid led to an improvement in growth, suggesting that energy from lipids spares protein for growth in {P}.punctifer fingerlings. {A}n {A}rtemia feeding period longer than 12 dpf did not improve larval growth or survival.}, keywords = {{AMAZONIE} ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the 4th {I}nternational {C}onference of the "{R}esearch {N}etwork on {A}mazonian {I}chthyofauna" ({RIIA}) {S}eptember 30 - {O}ctober 2, 2014 {C}ochabamba, {B}olivia}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {I}chthyology}, volume = {31}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial {S}4}, pages = {74--82}, ISSN = {0175-8659}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/jai.12978}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066480}, }