@article{fdi:010066288, title = {{I}nventory of echinoderms in the {I}les {E}parses ({E}uropa, {G}lorieuses, {J}uan de {N}ova), {M}ozambique {C}hannel, {F}rance}, author = {{C}onand, {C}. and {M}ulochau, {T}. and {S}tohr, {S}. and {E}leaume, {M}. and {C}habanet, {P}ascale}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he multidisciplinary programme {B}io{R}e{CIE} ({B}iodiversity, {R}esources and {C}onservation of coral reefs at {E}parses {I}s.) inventoried multiple marine animal groups in order to provide information on the coral reef health of the {I}les {E}parses. {A}ll five classes of echinoderms were observed by visual census, photographed and later identified. {A}bout 100 species are reported, including a few unidentified ones which require further studies. {T}he {H}olothuroidea and {O}phiuroidea are the most diverse. {O}ne new species, the asterinid {A}quilonastra chantalae {O}'{L}oughlin and {M}c{K}enzie (2013), was discovered in addition to several new records of echinoderms. {T}he illegal fishery targeting holothurians, which are presently highly valuable resources in this zone, is discussed.}, keywords = {{I}les {E}parses ; {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean ; {M}ozambique {C}hannel ; {E}chinoderms ; {I}nventory ; {E}cology ; {C}onservation ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} {ILES} ; {TAAF} ; {MOZAMBIQUE} {CANAL} ; {EPARSES} {ILES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}cta {O}ecologica}, volume = {72}, numero = {no sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {53--61}, ISSN = {1146-609{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.actao.2015.06.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066288}, }