@article{fdi:010066269, title = {{I}nter{PACIFIC} project : comparison of invasive and non-invasive methods for seismic site characterization. {P}art {II} : {I}nter-comparison between surface-wave and borehole methods}, author = {{G}arofalo, {F}. and {F}oti, {S}. and {H}ollender, {F}. and {B}ard, {P}. {Y}. and {C}ornou, {C}{\'e}cile and {C}ox, {B}. {R}. and {D}echamp, {A}. and {O}hrnberger, {M}. and {P}erron, {V}. and {S}icilia, {D}. and {T}eague, {D}. and {V}ergniault, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {I}nter{PACIFIC} project was aimed at assessing the reliability, resolution, and variability of geophysical methods in estimating the shear-wave velocity profile for seismic ground response analyses. {T}hree different subsoil conditions, which can be broadly defined as soft-soil, stiff-soil, and hard-rock, were investigated. {A}t each site, several participants performed and interpreted invasive measurements of shear wave velocity ({V}s) and compression wave velocity ({V}p) in the same boreholes. {A}dditionally, participants in the project analysed a common surface-wave dataset using their preferred strategies for processing and inversion to obtain {V}s profiles. {T}he most significant difference between the invasive borehole methods and non-invasive surface wave methods is related to resolution of thin layers and abrupt contrasts, which is inherently better for invasive methods. {H}owever, similar variability is observed in the estimated invasive and non-invasive {V}s profiles, underscoring the need to account for such uncertainty in site response studies. {V}-s,{V}-30 estimates are comparable between invasive and non-invasive methods, confirming that the higher resolution provided by invasive methods is quite irrelevant for computing this parameter.}, keywords = {{S}urface-wave methods ; {V}-s,{V}-30 ; {S}ite characterization ; {MASW} ; {R}ayleigh waves ; {G}eophysical methods ; {C}ross-{H}ole ; {D}own-{H}ole ; {P}-{S} suspension logging ; {SDMT} ; {FRANCE} ; {ITALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {D}ynamics and {E}arthquake {E}ngineering}, volume = {82}, numero = {}, pages = {241--254}, ISSN = {0267-7261}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.soildyn.2015.12.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066269}, }