@article{fdi:010066251, title = {{P}ollution-induced community tolerance ({PICT}) as a tool for monitoring {L}ake {G}eneva long-term in situ ecotoxic restoration from herbicide contamination}, author = {{L}arras, {F}. and {R}imet, {F}. and {G}regorio, {V}. and {B}erard, {A}. and {L}eboulanger, {C}hristophe and {M}ontuelle, {B}. and {B}ouchez, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hemical monitoring revealed a regular decrease in herbicide concentration in {L}ake {G}eneva since last decades that may be linked to an ecotoxic restoration of nontarget phytoplanktonic communities. {T}he {P}ollution-induced community tolerance ({PICT}) approach was tested as a tool to monitor the ecotoxic restoration of {L}ake {G}eneva for herbicides from 1999 to 2011. {W}e conducted monthly assessments in 1999 and in 2011 for the tolerance of the phytoplankton communities to two herbicides (atrazine and copper), using {PICT} bioassays. {T}he taxonomical composition of the communities was determined on the same collecting dates. {T}he herbicide concentration decrease during the 12 years significantly influenced the composition of communities. {T}he {PICT} monitoring indicated that a significant tolerance decrease in the community to both herbicides accompanied the herbicide concentration decrease. {PICT} measurements for atrazine and copper also changed at the intra-annual level. {T}hese variations were mainly due to community composition shifts linked to seasonal phosphorus and temperature changes. {PICT} monitoring on a seasonal basis is required to monitor the mean tolerance of communities. {PICT} appeared to be a powerful tool that reflected the toxic effects on environmental communities and to monitor ecotoxic ecosystem restoration.}, keywords = {{P}ollution-induced community tolerance ({PICT}) ; {P}hytoplankton ; {A}trazine ; {C}opper ; {R}estoration ; {E}cotoxicology ; {FRANCE} ; {SUISSE} ; {LEMAN} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {23}, numero = {5}, pages = {4301--4311}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-015-5302-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066251}, }