@article{fdi:010066246, title = {{T}axonomic hypotheses regarding the genus {G}erbillus ({R}odentia, {M}uridae, {G}erbillinae) based on molecular analyses of museum specimens}, author = {{N}diaye, {A}. and {T}atard, {C}. and {S}tanley, {W}. and {G}ranjon, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ethodological improvements now allow routine analyses of highly degraded {DNA} samples as found in museum specimens. {U}sing these methods could be useful in studying such groups as rodents of the genus {G}erbillus for which i) the taxonomy is still highly debated, ii) collection of fresh specimens may prove difficult. {H}ere we address precise taxonomic questions using a small portion of the cytochrome b gene obtained from 45 dry skin/skull museum samples (from 1913 to 1974) originating from two {A}frican and three {A}sian countries. {T}he specimens were labelled {G}. gerbillus, {G}. andersoni, {G}. nanus, {G}. amoenus, {G}. perpallidus and {G}. pyramidum, and molecular results mostly confirmed these assignations. {T}he close relationship between {G}. nanus ({A}sian origin) and {G}. amoenus ({A}frican origin) confirmed that they represent vicariant sibling species which differentiated in allopatry on either side of the {R}ed {S}ea. {I}n the closely related {G}. perpallidus and {G}. pyramidum, specimens considered as belonging to one {G}. pyramidum subspecies ({G}. p. floweri) appeared closer to {G}. perpallidus suggesting that they ({G}. p. floweri and {G}. perpallidus) may represent a unique species, distributed on both sides of the {N}ile {R}iver, for which the correct name should be {G}. floweri. {F}urthermore, the three other {G}. pyramidum subspecies grouped together with no apparent genetic structure suggesting that they may not yet represent genetically differentiated lineages. {T}his study confirms the importance of using these methods on museum samples, which can open new perspectives in this particular group as well as in other groups of interest.}, keywords = {{C}ytochrome b ; degraded {DNA} ; synonymy ; systematics ; vicariance ; {EGYPTE} ; {SOUDAN} ; {AFGHANISTAN} ; {INDE} ; {PAKISTAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ookeys}, numero = {566}, pages = {145--155}, ISSN = {1313-2989}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3897/zookeys.566.7317}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066246}, }