@article{fdi:010066244, title = {{C}ombining historical and {C}-14 data to assess pyroclastic density current hazards in {B}anos city near {T}ungurahua volcano ({E}cuador)}, author = {{L}e {P}ennec, {J}ean-{L}uc and {R}amon, {P}. and {R}obin, {C}laude and {A}lmeida, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}yroclastic density currents ({PDC}s) from {T}ungurahua volcano, {E}cuador, recurrently rush down the northern {V}azcun valley and threaten the small tourist city of {B}anos located on its mouth. {E}stimating {PDC} hazards, i.e. {PDC} return rate and extent, is difficult in {B}anos and {V}azcun because data from the literature are rare and debated, while geological exposures are few and vegetated. {T}o improve our awareness of {PDC} hazards in the {B}anos area, we examined historical documents, conducted new geological research in the {V}azcun valley, and obtained additional {C}-14 data. {W}e highlight complex radiocarbon results that may lead to difficulties when interpreting the {PDC} chronology, and offer recommendations to improve sampling strategies for {C}-14 age determinations of {PDC} deposits. {O}verall, our results show that the 1640, 1773, and 1886 {PDC}-forming eruptions are recorded in the valley, while products of the 1918 and 2006 events were likely removed. {T}hrough considering recorded/unrecorded bias in the reconstruction of past {PDC} emplacement in {V}azcun, we calculate a minimal average return rate of 18 {PDC}-forming events for pre-{C}olumbian and historical eruptions since the devastating 3 ka {BP} eruption, which translates into a maximum average return rate of 150-200 years in the valley. {H}owever, the archives suggest that most {PDC}s did not affected the now-urbanized {B}anos area (e.g. 1918, 2006) and we estimate that the city is impacted on average every 350-500 years, a duration that is likely perceived as fairly long for people living in the area. {T}he {B}anos case-study thus raises questions on how to communicate on uncertain threats and impacts, and how to improve alert messages in a town where economic incomes are essentially based on tourist activities. {T}o better address these issues we plan in future works to focus on cognitive perception of risk and volcanic hazard judgment by populations of {B}anos and nearby rural communities.}, keywords = {{V}olcanic hazards ; {H}istorical record ; {R}adiocarbon ; {V}azcun ; {T}ungurahua ; {EQUATEUR} ; {TUNGURAHU} {VOLCAN} ; {BANOS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {I}nternational}, volume = {394}, numero = {}, pages = {98--114}, ISSN = {1040-6182}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.052}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066244}, }