@article{fdi:010066226, title = {{M}ethodological assessment of 2b-{RAD} genotyping technique for population structure inferences in yellowfin tuna ({T}hunnus albacares)}, author = {{P}ecoraro, {C}. and {B}abbucci, {M}. and {V}illamor, {A}. and {F}ranch, {R}. and {P}apetti, {C}. and {L}eroy, {B}. and {O}rtega-{G}arcia, {S}. and {M}uir, {J}. and {R}ooker, {J}. and {A}rocha, {F}. and {M}urua, {H}. and {Z}udaire, {I}. and {C}hassot, {E}mmanuel and {B}odin, {N}athalie and {T}inti, {F}. and {B}argelloni, {L}. and {C}ariani, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}lobal population genetic structure of yellowfin tuna ({T}hunnus albacores) is still poorly understood despite its relevance for the tuna fishery industry. {L}ow levels of genetic differentiation among oceans speak in favour of the existence of a single panmictic population worldwide of this highly migratory fish. {H}owever, recent studies indicated genetic structuring at a much smaller geographic scales than previously considered, pointing out that {YFT} population genetic structure has not been properly assessed so far. {I}n this study, we demonstrated for the first time, the utility of 2b-{RAD} genotyping technique for investigating population genetic diversity and differentiation in high gene-flow species. {R}unning de novo pipeline in {S}tacks, a total of 6772 high-quality genome-wide {SNP}s were identified across {A}tlantic, {I}ndian and {P}acific population samples representing all major distribution areas. {P}reliminary analyses showed shallow but significant population structure among oceans ({FST} = 0.0273; {P}-value < 0.01). {D}iscriminant {A}nalysis of {P}rincipal {C}omponents endorsed the presence of genetically discrete yellowfin tuna populations among three oceanic pools. {A}lthough such evidence needs to be corroborated by increasing sample size, these results showed the efficiency of this genotyping technique in assessing genetic divergence in a marine fish with high dispersal potential.}, keywords = {{M}arine fish ; {P}opulation genomics ; {RAD} sequencing ; {SNP} ; {T}ropical tuna ; {T}una fishery ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {G}enomics}, volume = {25}, numero = {}, pages = {43--48}, ISSN = {1874-7787}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.margen.2015.12.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066226}, }