@article{fdi:010066177, title = {{M}ercury tissue residue approach in {C}hironomus riparius : involvement of toxicokinetics and comparison of subcellular fractionation methods}, author = {{G}imbert, {F}. and {G}effard, {A}. and {G}u{\'e}dron, {S}t{\'e}phane and {D}ominik, {J}. and {F}errari, {B}. {J}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}long with the growing body of evidence that total internal concentration is not a good indicator of toxicity, the {C}ritical {B}ody {R}esidue ({CBR}) approach recently evolved into the {T}issue {R}esidue {A}pproach ({TRA}) which considers the biologically active portion of metal that is available to contribute to the toxicity at sites of toxic action. {F}or that purpose, we examined total mercury ({H}g) bioaccumulation and subcellular fractionation kinetics in fourth stage larvae of the midge {C}hironomus riparius during a four-day laboratory exposure to {H}g-spiked sediments and water. {T}he debris (including exoskeleton, gut contents and cellular debris), granule and organelle fractions accounted only for about 10% of the {H}g taken up, whereas {H}g concentrations in the entire cytosolic fraction rapidly increased to approach steady-state. {W}ithin this fraction, {H}g compartmentalization to metallothionein-like proteins ({MTLP}) and heat-sensitive proteins ({HSP}), consisting mostly of enzymes, was assessed in a comparative manner by two methodologies based on heat-treatment and centrifugation ({HT}&{C} method) or size exclusion chromatography separation ({SECS} method). {T}he low {H}g recoveries obtained with the {HT}&{C} method prevented accurate analysis of the cytosolic {H}g fractionation by this approach. {A}ccording to the {SECS} methodology, the {H}g-bound {MTLP} fraction increased linearly over the exposure duration and sequestered a third of the {H}g flux entering the cytosol. {I}n contrast, the {HSP} fraction progressively saturated leading to {H}g excretion and physiological impairments. {T}his work highlights several methodological and biological aspects to improve our understanding of {H}g toxicological bioavailability in aquatic invertebrates.}, keywords = {{U}ptake ; {E}xcretion ; {B}ioaccumulation ; {T}oxicity ; {M}etal partitioning}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {T}oxicology}, volume = {171}, numero = {}, pages = {1--8}, ISSN = {0166-445{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.11.027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066177}, }