@article{fdi:010066157, title = {{M}acropores generated during shrinkage in two paddy soils using {X}-ray micro-computed tomography}, author = {{B}ottinelli, {N}icolas and {Z}hou, {H}. and {B}oivin, {P}. and {Z}hang, {Z}. {B}. and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal and {H}artmann, {C}hristian and {P}eng, {X}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}oil shrinkage curve represents a decrease of total porosity or an increase of bulk density with water loss. {H}owever, our knowledge of the dynamics of pores and their geometry during soil shrinkage is scarce, partially due to lack of reliable methods for determining soil pores in relation to change in soil water. {T}his study aimed to investigate the dynamics of macropores (>30 mu m) of paddy soils during shrinkage. {T}wo, paddy soils, which were sampled from one paddy field cultivated for 20 years ({YPF}) and the other one for over 100 years ({OPF}), represented difference in crack geometry in the field. {M}acropore parameters (volume, connectivity, and orientation of pores) and soil shrinkage parameters were determined on the same undisturbed soil cores by {X}-ray microtomography and shrinkage curve, respectively. {M}acroporosity was on average four times larger in the {YPF} than in the {OPF} whereas the shrinkage capacity was lower in the {YPF} as compared to the {OPF} (0.09 vs. 0.15 {COLE}). {S}oil shrinkage increased the volume of pores by 3.7% in the {YPF} and by 1.6% in the {OPF} as well as their connectivity. {T}he formation of macropores occurred mostly in the proportional shrinkage phase. {A}s a result, the slope of the proportional shrinkage phase was smaller in the {YPF} (0.65) than in the {OPF} (0.89). {N}ew macropores were cracks and extended pre-existing pores in the range of 225-1215 pm size without any preferential orientation. {T}his work provides image evidences that in paddy soils with high shrinkage capacity more macropores are generated in the soil presenting a smaller proportional shrinkage slope.}, keywords = {{S}oil structure ; {M}acropore ; {C}racks ; {P}ore connectivity ; {X}-ray computed ; tomography ; {CHINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {265}, numero = {}, pages = {78--86}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.11.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066157}, }