@article{fdi:010066146, title = {{D}etection yield and tolerability of string test for diagnosis of childhood intrathoracic tuberculosis}, author = {{N}ansumba, {M}. and {K}umbakumba, {E}. and {O}rikiriza, {P}. and {M}uller, {Y}. and {N}ackers, {F}. and {B}eaudrap, {P}ierre de and {B}oum, {Y}. and {B}onnet, {M}aryline}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {D}ifficulty to obtain sputum in children complicates diagnosis of intrathoracic tuberculosis ({TB}). {T}he intragastric string test ({ST}) used for retrieval of enteric pathogens might be an alternative specimen collection method but requires further evaluation of its utility in {TB} diagnosis. {W}e conducted a cross-sectional study comparing the {TB} detection yield and the tolerability of {ST} and sputum induction ({SI}) in children. {M}ethods: {T}wo {ST} and {SI} procedures were performed in children (3-14 years of age) who were clinically suspected of having {TB}. {T}he string was removed after a 2-hour gastric downtime, and {SI} was done after a maximum of 20 minutes nebulization with 5% saline solution. {LED}-fluorescence microscopy and mycobacterial cultures were performed on all specimens, and {X}pert{MTB}/{RIF} assay was performed on stored specimen sediments. {T}olerability questionnaires were administered to parents of children. {R}esults: {O}f 137 included children (median age: 8.1 years; 33.3% with {HIV} infection), 14 (10.2%) were diagnosed with {TB}, 10 (71.4%) by {ST} and 12 (85.7%) by {SI}. {A}mong 105 children with both {ST} and {SI} performed, 5 (4.8%) versus 4 (3.8%) were smear positive using {ST} and {SI}, respectively ({M}c{N}emar {P} = 1.00). {N}ine (8.6%) in each group had positive cultures ({P} = 1.00). {O}f 64 children tested with {X}pert{MTB}/{RIF}, 3 (4.7%) of the {ST} group versus 4 (6.3%) of the {SI} group were {TB} positive ({P} = 1.00). {N}o adverse serious events were reported. {ST} could not be performed in 22 of 137 (16.1%) children because they were unable to swallow the capsule. {C}onclusions: {TB} detection yield was comparable between {ST} and {SI}. {T}he tolerability of {ST} in young children might be improved by the reduction of the size of the capsule.}, keywords = {tuberculosis ; children ; diagnosis ; {OUGANDA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ediatric {I}nfectious {D}isease {J}ournal}, volume = {35}, numero = {2}, pages = {146--151}, ISSN = {0891-3668}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1097/inf.0000000000000956}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066146}, }