@article{fdi:010066143, title = {{S}erological evidence for the circulation of flaviviruses in seabird populations of the western {I}ndian {O}cean}, author = {{J}aeger, {A}. and {L}ecollinet, {S}. and {B}eck, {C}. and {B}astien, {M}. and {L}e {C}orre, {M}. and {D}ellagi, {K}oussay and {P}ascalis, {H}erv{\'e} and {B}oulinier, {T}. and {L}ebarbenchon, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}irds play a central role in the epidemiology of several flaviviruses of concern for public and veterinary health. {S}eabirds represent the most abundant and widespread avifauna in the western {I}ndian {O}cean and may play an important role as host reservoirs and spreaders of arthropod-borne pathogens such as flaviviruses. {W}e report the results of a serological investigation based on blood samples collected from nine seabird species from seven islands in the {I}ndian {O}cean. {U}sing a commercial competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay directed against the prototypic {W}est {N}ile flavivirus, antibodies against flaviviruses were detected in the serum of 47 of the 855 seabirds tested. {T}hey were detected in bird samples from three islands and from four bird species. {S}eroneutralization tests on adults and chicks suggested that great frigatebirds ({F}regata minor) from {E}uropa were infected by {W}est {N}ile virus during their non-breeding period, and that {U}sutu virus probably circulated within bird colonies on {T}romelin and on {J}uan de {N}ova. {R}eal-time polymerase chain reactions performed on bird blood samples did not yield positive results precluding the genetic characterization of flavivirus using {RNA} sequencing. {O}ur findings stress the need to further investigate flavivirus infections in arthropod vectors present in seabird colonies.}, keywords = {{G}reat frigatebird ; masked booby ; {M}eaban virus ; red-footed booby ; sooty tern ; {U}sutu virus ; {W}est {N}ile virus ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} {OUEST} ; {REUNION} ; {EUROPA} {ILE} ; {JUAN} {DE} {NOVA} {ILE} ; {TROMELIN} {ILE} ; {SEYCHELLES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}pidemiology and {I}nfection}, volume = {144}, numero = {3}, pages = {652--660}, ISSN = {0950-2688}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1017/s0950268815001661}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066143}, }