@article{fdi:010066128, title = {{P}esticides in {I}chkeul {L}ake-{B}izerta lagoon watershed in {T}unisia : use, occurrence, and effects on bacteria and free-living marine nematodes}, author = {{B}en {S}alem, {F}. and {B}en {S}aid, {O}. and {A}issa, {P}. and {M}ahmoudi, {E}. and {M}onperrus, {M}. and {G}runberger, {O}livier and {D}uran, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study aimed to identify the most commonly used agricultural pesticides around {I}chkeul {L}ake-{B}izerta {L}agoon watershed. {F}irst survey of pesticide use on agricultural watershed was performed with farmers, {R}egional {C}ommissioner for {A}gricultural {D}evelopment, and pesticide dealers. {T}hen, sediment contamination by pesticides and response of benthic communities (bacteria and free-living marine nematode) were investigated. {T}he analysis of 22 active organochlorine pesticides in sediments was performed according to quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe ({Q}u{EC}h{ERS}) method, biodiversity of indigenous bacterial community sediment was determined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism ({T}-{RFLP}), and free-living marine nematodes were counted. {T}he results of the field survey showed that iodosulfuron, mesosulfuron, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 {D}), glyphosate, and fenoxaprops were the most used herbicides, tebuconazole and epoxiconazole the most used fungicides, and deltamethrin the most used insecticide. {S}ixteen organochlorine pesticide compounds among the 22 examined were detected in sediments up to 2 ppm in {I}chkeul {L}ake, endrin, dieldrin, and hexachlorocyclohexane being the most detected molecules. {T}he most pesticide-contaminated site in the lake presented the higher density of nematode, but when considering all sites, no clear correlation with organochlorine pesticide ({OCP}) content could be established. {T}he bacterial community structure in the most contaminated site in the lake was characterized by the terminal restriction fragments ({T}-{RF}s) 97, 146, 258, 285, and 335 while the most contaminated site in the lagoon was characterized by the {T}-{RF}s 54, 263, 315, 403, and 428. {I}nterestingly, {T}-{RF}s 38 and 143 were found in the most contaminated sites of both lake and lagoon ecosystems, indicating that they were resistant to {OCP}s and able to cope with environmental fluctuation of salinity. {I}n contrast, the {T}-{RF}s 63, 100, 118, and 381 in the lake and the {T}-{RF}s 40, 60, 80, 158, 300, 321, and 357 in the lagoon were sensitive to {OCP}s. {T}his study highlighted that the intensive use of pesticides in agriculture, through transfer to aquatic ecosystem, may disturb the benthic ecosystem functioning of the protected area. {T}he free-living marine nematodes and bacterial communities represent useful proxy to follow the ecosystem health and its capacity of resilience.}, keywords = {{O}rganochlorine pesticides ; {S}urvey ; {B}acterial community structure ; {T}-{RFLP} ; {B}acterial diversity ; {S}ediment ; {R}esistant ; {S}ensitive ; {TUNISIE} ; {BIZERTE} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {{C}rop protection and environmental health : legacy management and new concepts}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {23}, numero = {1}, pages = {36--48}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-015-4991-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066128}, }