@article{fdi:010066123, title = {{S}usanlimae ianwhittingtoni gen. nov., sp. nov. ({M}onogenoidea : {D}actylogyridae), a dweller of the gill rakers of {P}seudeutropius moolenburghae ({S}iluriformes : {S}chilbeidae) from {S}umatra}, author = {{B}oeger, {W}. {A}. and {P}ariselle, {A}ntoine and {P}atella, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new genus and species of {M}onogenoidea, {S}usanlimae ianwhittingtoni gen. nov., sp. nov., are proposed for dactylogyrids collected from the "{N}uayang tipis", {P}seudeutropius moolenburghae {W}eber & de {B}eaufort, 1913, which inhabits freshwater in {S}umatra. {W}hile clearly a member of a putative clade that includes {A}sian and {A}frican catfish parasites, {S}. ianwhittingtoni sp. nov. differs from most members of this clade by having a bifurcated haptor that embraces the gill rakers of its host. {T}his haptoral morphology and mode of attachment also occur in species of {B}ifurcohaptor {J}ain, 1958. {H}owever, species of {S}usanlimae gen. nov. are easily distinguished by the comparative morphology of their haptoral armature. {I}n {S}usanlimae gen. nov., the ventral and dorsal bars are single, elongated, and inverted u-shaped (ventral bar short and two short dorsal bars in {B}ifurcohaptor spp.); the dorsal anchor is robust with well-defined roots (reduced roots and elongate shaft in {B}ifurcohaptor spp.); and the ventral anchor has an elongated, deep root (inconspicuous in {B}ifurcohaptor spp.).}, keywords = {{C}atfish ; {D}actylogyridea ; ectoparasite ; {P}latyhelminthes ; {P}olyonchoinea ; {INDONESIE} ; {SUMATRA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oologia}, volume = {32}, numero = {6}, pages = {532--537}, ISSN = {1984-4670}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1590/s1984-46702015000600011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066123}, }