@article{fdi:010066110, title = {{GODAE} {O}cean{V}iew {C}lass 4 forecast verification framework : global ocean inter-comparison}, author = {{R}yan, {A}. {G}. and {R}egnier, {C}. and {D}ivakaran, {P}. and {S}pindler, {T}. and {M}ehra, {A}. and {S}mith, {G}. {C}. and {D}avidson, {F}. and {H}ernandez, {F}abrice and {M}aksymczuk, {J}. and {L}iu, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}s part of the work of the {GODAE} {O}cean{V}iew {I}nter-comparison and {V}alidation {T}ask {T}eam ({IV}-{TT}), 6 global ocean forecasting systems spread across 5 operational oceanography forecast centres were inter-compared using a common set of observations as a proxy for the truth. {T}he `{C}lass 4' in the title refers to a set of forecast verification metrics defined in the {MERSEA}-{IP}/{GODAE} internal metrics document ({H}ernandez 2007), the defining feature of which is that comparisons between forecasts and observations take place in observation space. {T}his approach is seen as a departure from other diagnostic approaches such as analysing model trends or innovation statistics, and is commonly used in the atmospheric community. {T}he physical parameters involved in the comparison are sea surface temperature ({SST}), sub-surface temperature, sub-surface salinity and sea level anomaly ({SLA}). {SST} was measured using in-situ observations obtained from {USGODAE}, sub-surface conditions were compared to {A}rgo profiles, while sea level anomaly was measured by several satellite altimeters courtesy of {AVISO}. {T}he 5 forecast centres involved in the project were {M}et {O}ffice, {A}ustralian {B}ureau of {M}eteorology, {M}ercator {O}cean, {E}nvironment {C}anada and {NOAA}/{NWS}/{NCEP}. {C}ombining {M}et {O}ffice, {M}ercator {O}cean and {E}nvironment {C}anada forecasts into a mixed resolution multi-model ensemble produces estimates of the ocean state which have better accuracy and associativity properties for {SST}, {SLA} and temperature profiles than any individual ensemble component.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {O}perational {O}ceanography}, volume = {8}, numero = {1}, pages = {{S}98--{S}111}, ISSN = {1755-876{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1080/1755876x.2015.1022330}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066110}, }