@article{fdi:010066079, title = {{D}ynamics of bacterial community composition in the malaria mosquito's epithelia}, author = {{T}chioffo, {M}. {T}. and {B}oissi{\`e}re, {A}nne and {A}bate, {L}uc and {N}sango, {S}. {E}. and {B}ayibeki, {A}. {N}. and {A}wono-{A}mbene, {P}. {H}. and {C}hristen, {R}. and {G}imonneau, {G}eoffrey and {M}orlais, {I}sabelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {A}nopheles midgut hosts diverse bacterial communities and represents a complex ecosystem. {S}everal evidences indicate that mosquito midgut microbiota interferes with malaria parasite transmission. {H}owever, the bacterial composition of salivary glands and ovaries, two other biologically important tissues, has not been described so far. {I}n this study, we investigated the dynamics of the bacterial communities in the mosquito tissues from emerging mosquitoes until 8 days after a blood meal containing {P}lasmodium falciparum gametocytes and described the temporal colonization of the mosquito epithelia. {B}acterial communities were identified in the midgut, ovaries, and salivary glands of individual mosquitoes using pyrosequencing of the 16{S} r{RNA} gene. {W}e found that the mosquito epithelia share a core microbiota, but some bacteria taxa were more associated with one or another tissue at a particular time point. {T}he bacterial composition in the tissues of emerging mosquitoes varied according to the breeding site, indicating that some bacteria are acquired from the environment. {O}ur results revealed temporal variations in the bacterial community structure, possibly as a result of the mosquito physiological changes. {T}he abundance of {S}erratia significantly correlated with {P}. falciparum infection both in the midgut and salivary glands of malaria challenged mosquitoes, which suggests that interactions occur between microbes and parasites. {T}hese bacteria may represent promising targets for vector control strategies. {O}verall, this study points out the importance of characterizing bacterial communities in malaria mosquito vectors.}, keywords = {bacterial communities ; malaria vector ; mosquito tissues ; pyrosequencing ; dynamics ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}icrobiology}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1500 [9 ]}, ISSN = {1664-302{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3389/fmicb.2015.01500}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066079}, }