@article{fdi:010066029, title = {{M}odeling vegetation and wind erosion from a millet field and from a rangeland : two {S}ahelian case studies}, author = {{P}ierre, {C}. and {K}ergoat, {L}. and {B}ergametti, {G}. and {M}ougin, {E}. and {B}aron, {C}. and {T}oure, {A}. {A}. and {R}ajot, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {H}iernaux, {P}. and {M}articorena, {B}. and {D}elon, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Q}uantifying wind erosion and dust emissions in the semi-arid {S}ahel remains challenging because of the large seasonal and interannual dynamics of surface properties. {T}he increasing conversion of rangelands into croplands raises issues for quantifying wind erosion over these two contrasted surfaces. {W}hereas wind erosion models have been so far applied to these two surface types separately, this study proposes a common modeling approach to represent the horizontal flux from {S}ahelian rangelands and croplands. {P}air simulations of both typical {S}ahelian land surface types investigate the horizontal flux due to wind erosion over a 3-year period for two instrumented sites in {M}ali and {N}iger. {T}wo different vegetation models simulate the specific phenology and growth of a rangeland grass and a millet crop. {T}hese models also account for the local cropping and pastoral practices. {C}ompared to field measurements, the vegetation cover is satisfyingly simulated by the models, especially the strong seasonal dynamics. {S}pecific parameterizations of the aerodynamic surface roughness length ({Z}(0)) as a function of vegetation variables are established using measurements from the two sites. {T}he simulated horizontal flux turns out to be higher for a cropland than for a rangeland by approximately a factor 1.5, implying that increasing {S}ahelian cropped areas would increase dust emissions from the {S}ahel. {T}his difference is mainly due to the time shift between grass and millet growth: the latter starts growing about 2-3 weeks later than annual grass. {T}he amount of dry vegetation remaining during late dry season is also important for {S}ahelian wind erosion.}, keywords = {{W}ind erosion ; {S}ahel ; {M}odeling ; {C}ropland ; {R}angeland ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}eolian {R}esearch}, volume = {19}, numero = {{A}}, pages = {97--111}, ISSN = {1875-9637}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aeolia.2015.09.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066029}, }