@article{fdi:010066021, title = {{I}n situ cosmogenic {B}e-10 production rate in the {H}igh {T}ropical {A}ndes}, author = {{M}artin, {L}. {C}. {P}. and {B}lard, {P}. {H}. and {L}ave, {J}. and {B}raucher, {R}. and {L}upker, {M}. and {C}ondom, {T}homas and {C}harreau, {J}. and {M}ariotti, {V}. and {D}avy, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontinental climate change during the late glacial period has now been widely documented thanks to {C}osmic-{R}ay {E}xposure ({CRE}) dating of glacial features. {T}he accuracy of these {CRE} ages mainly relies on a priori knowledge of the production rate of the cosmogenic nuclide that has accumulated in a specific mineral. {T}o produce unequivocal and accurate chronologies of glacier fluctuations during the late glacial period, it is crucial that the cosmogenic nuclide production rates are better constrained, particularly in the high tropics where existing spatial and temporal scaling models show significant discrepancies. {H}ere we report a new production rate established at low latitude (19 degrees {S}) and high elevation (3800 alas on the {C}hallapata fan-delta, at the edge of the {P}aleolake {T}auca, on the flank of {C}erro {A}zanaques ({B}olivia). {S}edimentological evidence for synchronicity with the {T}auca {L}ake highstand along with {U}-{T}h and {C}-14 measurements established that the fan-delta is 16.07 +/- 0.64 kyr {BP} old. {I}n situ-produced {B}e-10 concentrations measured in 15 boulders lying on the fan-delta yield a mean {B}e-10 concentration of 4.92 +/- 0.05 x 10(5) at g(-1). {A} local in situ {B}e-10 production rate of 30.8 +/- 1.3 at g(-1) yr(-1) is thus obtained at 3800 masl and 19 degrees {S}. {A}pplication of the "{L}al-modified" scaling scheme to this {A}zanaques production rate, using a standard atmosphere and the {M}uscheler et al. (2005) geomagnetic reconstruction, leads to a {S}ea {L}evel {H}igh {L}atitude ({SLHL}) in situ {B}e-10 production rate of 3.76 +/- 0.15 at g(-1) yr(-1) (1 a uncertainty). {I}n addition, we propose a reference in situ {B}e-10 calibration dataset for the region that combines the production rates of this study with those of {B}lard et al. (2013b) and {K}elly et al. (2015). {T}his dataset of three calibration sites shows a good consistency and yields a regional in situ {B}e-10 production rate of 3.74 +/- 0.09 at g(-1) yr(-1) using the same scaling.}, keywords = {{C}osmogenic {B}e-10 ; {P}roduction rate ; {C}alibration ; {B}olivian {A}ltiplano ; {A}zanaques ; {C}hallapata fan-delta ; {L}ake {T}auca ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {TAUCA} {LAC} ; {AZANAQUES} {CORDILLERE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {G}eochronology}, volume = {30}, numero = {{A}}, pages = {54--68}, ISSN = {1871-1014}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quageo.2015.06.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066021}, }