@article{fdi:010066009, title = {{I}n cellulo monitoring of quinone reductase activity and reactive oxygen species production during the redox cycling of 1,2 and 1,4 quinones}, author = {{C}assagnes, {L}. {E}. and {P}erio, {P}ierre and {F}erry, {G}. and {M}oulharat, {N}. and {A}ntoine, {M}. and {G}ayon, {R}. and {B}outin, {J}. {A}. and {N}epveu, {F}. and {R}eybier, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{Q}uinones are highly reactive molecules that readily undergo either one- or two-electron reduction. {O}ne-electron reduction of quinones or their derivatives by enzymes such as cytochrome {P}450 reductase or other flavoproteins generates unstable semiquinones, which undergo redox cycling in the presence of molecular oxygen leading to the formation of highly reactive oxygen species. {Q}uinone reductases 1 and 2 ({QR}1 and {QR}2) catalyze the two-electron reduction of quinones to form hydroquinones, which can be removed from the cell by conjugation of the hydroxyl with glucuronide or sulfate thus avoiding its autoxidation and the formation of free radicals and highly reactive oxygen species. {T}his characteristic confers a detoxifying enzyme role to {QR}1 and {QR}2, even if this character is strongly linked to the excretion capacity of the cell. {U}sing [{PR} spectroscopy and confocal microscopy we demonstrated that the amount of reactive oxygen species ({ROS}) produced by {C}hinese hamster ovary ({CHO}) cells overexpressing {QR}1 or {QR}2 compared to naive {CHO} cells was determined by the quinone structural type indeed, whereas the amount of {ROS} produced in the cell was strongly decreased with para-quirmues such as menadione in the presence of quinone reductase 1 or 2, a strong increase in {ROS} was recorded with ortho -quinones such as adrenochrome, aminochrome, dopachrome, or 3,5-di-tert-butyl-o-benzoquinone in cells overexpressing {QR}, especially {QR}2. {T}hese differences could originate from the excretion process, which is different for para- and ortho-quinones. {T}hese results are of particular interest in the case of dopamine considering the association of {QR}2 with various neurological disorders such as {P}arkinson disease.}, keywords = {{Q}uinone reductase ; {NQO}1 ; {NQO}2 ; {O}rtho-quinones ; {P}ara-quinones ; {EPR} ; {R}eactive oxygen species ; {O}xidative stress ; {F}ree radicals}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ree {R}adical {B}iology and {M}edicine}, volume = {89}, numero = {}, pages = {126--134}, ISSN = {0891-5849}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2015.07.150}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066009}, }