@article{fdi:010066007, title = {100 key research questions for the post-2015 development agenda}, author = {{O}ldekop, {J}. {A}. and {F}ontana, {L}. {B}. and {G}rugel, {J}. and {R}oughton, {N}. and {A}du-{A}mpong, {E}. {A}. and {B}ird, {G}. {K}. and {D}organ, {A}. and {V}era {E}spinoza, {M}. {A}. and {W}allin, {S}. and {H}ammett, {D}. and {A}gbarakwe, {E}. and {A}grawal, {A}. and {A}sylbekova, {N}. and {A}zkoul, {C}. and {B}ardsley, {C}. and {B}ebbington, {A}. {J}. and {C}arvalho, {S}. and {C}hopra, {D}. and {C}hristopoulos, {S}. and {C}rewe, {E}. and {D}op, {M}arie-{C}laude and {F}ischer, {J}. and {G}erretsen, {D}. and {G}lennie, {J}. and {G}ois, {W}. and {G}ondwe, {M}. and {H}arrison, {L}. {A}. and {H}ujo, {K}. and {K}een, {M}. and {L}aserna, {R}. and {M}iggiano, {L}. and {M}istry, {S}. and {M}organ, {R}. {J}. and {R}aftree, {L}. {L}. and {R}hind, {D}. and {R}odrigues, {T}. and {R}oschnik, {S}. and {S}enkubuge, {F}. and {T}hornton, {I}. and {T}race, {S}. and {O}re, {T}. and {V}aldes, {R}. {M}. and {V}ira, {B}. and {Y}eates, {N}. and {S}utherland, {W}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {S}ustainable {D}evelopment {G}oals ({SDG}s) herald a new phase for international development. {T}his article presents the results of a consultative exercise to collaboratively identify 100 research questions of critical importance for the post-2015 international development agenda. {T}he final shortlist is grouped into nine thematic areas and was selected by 21 representatives of international and non-governmental organisations and consultancies, and 14 academics with diverse disciplinary expertise from an initial pool of 704 questions submitted by 110 organisations based in 34 countries. {T}he shortlist includes questions addressing long-standing problems, new challenges and broader issues related to development policies, practices and institutions. {C}ollectively, these questions are relevant for future development-related research priorities of governmental and non-governmental organisations worldwide and could act as focal points for transdisciplinary research collaborations.}, keywords = {{M}illennium {D}evelopment {G}oals ; {S}ustainable {D}evelopment {G}oals ; priority setting ; research questions ; knowledge co-production ; international development}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}evelopment {P}olicy {R}eview}, volume = {34}, numero = {1}, pages = {55--82}, ISSN = {0950-6764}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/dpr.12147}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066007}, }