@article{fdi:010066006, title = {{R}isa{A}ligner software for aligning fluorescence data between {A}gilent 2100 {B}ioanalyzer chips : application to soil microbial community analysis}, author = {{N}avarro, {E}lisabeth and {F}abregue, {O}. and {S}corretti, {R}. and {R}eboulet, {J}. and {S}imonet, {P}. and {D}awson, {L}. and {D}emaneche, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}ibosomal {I}ntergenic {S}pacer {A}nalysis ({RISA}) is a high-resolution and highly reproducible fingerprinting technique for discriminating between microbial communities. {T}he community profiles can be visualized using the {A}gilent 2100 {B}ioanalyzer. {C}omparison between fingerprints relies upon precise estimation of all amplified {DNA} fragment lengths; however, size standard computation can vary between gel runs. {F}or complex samples such as soil microbial communities, discrimination by fragment size is not always sufficient. {I}n such cases, the comparison of whole fluorescence data as a function of time (electrophoregrams) is more appropriate. {W}hen electrophoregrams [fluorescence = f (time)] are used, and more than one chip is involved, electrophoregram comparisons are challenging due to experimental variations between chips and the lack of correction by the {A}gilent software in such situations. {H}ere we present {R}isa{A}ligner software for analyzing and comparing electrophoregrams from {A}gilent chips using a nonlinear ladder-alignment algorithm. {W}e demonstrate the robustness and substantial improvement of data analysis by analyzing soil microbial profiles obtained with {A}gilent {DNA} 1000 and {H}igh {S}ensitivity chips.}, keywords = {microbial ecology ; {RISA} comparison ; alignment tool}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iotechniques}, volume = {59}, numero = {6}, pages = {347--358}, ISSN = {0736-6205}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.2144/000114363}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066006}, }