@article{fdi:010066001, title = {{A}n annotated checklist of the {C}occinellidae ({C}oleoptera) from {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{N}attier, {R}. and {J}ourdan, {H}erv{\'e} and {M}ille, {C}. and {C}hazeau, {J}ean}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present an updated checklist of the ladybird beetle fauna of {N}ew {C}aledonia. {F}ifty species have been tracked from literature and collections, but six should be removed from the list as they represent false records, invalid or unestablished species: {C}occinella boletifera {F}auvel, {H}armonia conformis ({B}oisduval), {M}enochilus duodecimpunctatus ({F}auvel), {M}icraspis lineola ({F}abricius), {O}rcus australasiae {B}oisduval, and {C}urinus coeruleus ({M}ulsant). {A}fter our investigations, the current described ladybird beetle fauna totals 44 named species, belonging to 18 valid genera. {T}he endemism rate is 47.7% (21 species), with one endemic subgenus, {S}cymnus ({C}aledonus). {B}ased on comparisons of the coccinellid faunas of surrounding regions, the {N}ew {C}aledonian fauna has affinities with {A}ustralia and {P}apua {N}ew {G}uinea more than with the rest of the {P}acific area. {A}t least 19 species (43.2%) seem to have been introduced by human activities (either deliberately or accidentally).}, keywords = {{E}ndemism ; ladybird beetles ; predators ; south-west {P}acific ; {NOUVELLE} {CALDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE} {SUD} {OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ootaxa}, volume = {4058}, numero = {3}, pages = {301--331}, ISSN = {1175-5326}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066001}, }