@article{fdi:010065850, title = {{C}omplementarity of native and introduced tree species : exploring timber supply on the east coast of {M}adagascar}, author = {{L}avialle, {J}. and {C}arri{\`e}re, {S}t{\'e}phanie {M}. and {M}iandrimanana, {C}. and {T}ilahimena, {A}. and {B}irkinshaw, {C}.{R}. and {A}ronson, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {M}adagascar, nature conservation and human livelihood security both appear as crucial imperatives. {T}he degraded secondary forest remnant of {A}nalalava, on the east coast, near {F}oulpointe, is a protected area since 2006. {T}he long-term conservation of the site's biodiversity can only be guaranteed by local support. {G}iven that access to timber from native trees within the protected area is restricted, management of tree resources outside of the protected area represents a critical nexus between biodiversity conservation and human benefits linked to ecosystem services. {W}e investigated and characterized the local farmer's use of available tree species, to provide a basis for satisfying the dual objectives of biodiversity conservation and sustainable and equitable rural development. {O}ur results showed that local people are interested in various types of trees for timber, both native and introduced. {F}urthermore, they demonstrated detailed knowledge about silvicultural traits of a large number of tree species. {R}egarding the important complementarity of properties and uses recognized for native and introduced species we conclude that free distribution of nursery seedlings of fast-growing introduced tree species should not be the only alternative to logging within the protected forest fragment offered to local people. {I}nstead, a larger choice of tree species, including native ones, should be proposed. {T}he cultivation of this diverse mix would allow people to take a more active part in the preservation and restoration of natural capital at the landscape scale and could enlarge the range of benefits obtained from trees that they plant.}, keywords = {{MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}adagascar {C}onservation and {D}evelopment}, volume = {10}, numero = {{S}3}, pages = {137--143}, ISSN = {1662-2510}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065850}, }