@article{fdi:010065835, title = {{A} {L}agrangian method to isolate the impacts of mixed layer subduction on the meridional overturning circulation in a numerical model}, author = {{T}homas, {M}. {D}. and {T}reguier, {A}. {M}. and {B}lanke, {B}. and {D}eshayes, {J}ulie and {V}oldoire, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}arge differences in the {A}tlantic meridional overturning circulation ({AMOC}) exhibited between the available ocean models pose problems as to how they can be interpreted for climate policy. {A} novel {L}agrangian methodology has been developed for use with ocean models that enables a decomposition of the {AMOC} according to its source waters of subduction from the mixed layer of different geographical regions. {T}he method is described here and used to decompose the {AMOC} of the {C}entre {N}ational de {R}echerches {M}eteorologiques ({CNRM}) ocean model, which is approximately 4.5 {S}v (1 {S}v = 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) too weak at 26 degrees {N}, compared to observations. {C}ontributions from mixed layer subduction to the peak {AMOC} at 26 degrees {N} in the model are dominated by the {L}abrador {S}ea, which contributes 7.51 {S}v; but contributions from the {N}ordic seas, the {I}rminger {S}ea, and the {R}ockall basin are also important. {T}hese waters mostly originate where deep mixed layers border the topographic slopes of the {S}ubpolar {G}yre and {N}ordic seas. {T}he too-weak model {AMOC} can be explained by weak model representations of the overflow and of {I}rminger {S}ea subduction. {T}hese are offset by the large {L}abrador {S}ea component, which is likely to be too strong as a result of unrealistically distributed and too-deep mixed layers near the shelf.}, keywords = {{C}irculation ; {D}ynamics ; {C}onvection ; {L}agrangian circulation transport ; {M}eridional overturning circulation ; {A}tm ; {O}cean {S}tructure ; {P}henomena ; {O}ceanic mixed layer ; {M}odels and modeling ; {G}eneral circulation models ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, volume = {28}, numero = {19}, pages = {7503--7517}, ISSN = {0894-8755}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065835}, }