@article{fdi:010065811, title = {{A}n unusual occurrence of {N}autilus macromphalus in a cenote in the {L}oyalty {I}slands ({N}ew {C}aledonia)}, author = {{L}andman, {N}.{H}. and {M}apes, {R}.{H}. and {C}ochran, {J}.{K}. and {L}ignier, {V}. and {H}embree, {D}.{I}. and {G}oiran, {C}. and {F}olcher, {E}ric and {B}runet, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xploration of a landlocked cenote on {L}ifou ({L}oyalty {I}slands) revealed 37 shells of the cephalopod {N}autilus macromphalus {S}owerby, 1849, in saltwater on the cenote floor, approximately 40 m below the water surface. {T}he occurrence of these shells is unusual because {N}. macromphalus is restricted to the open marine waters surrounding the island. {A}ll of the shells are mature, and nearly all of them are unbroken, with faded red-brown color stripes. {W}e analyzed seven shells to determine their age. {R}adiocarbon dating yielded ages of 6380¡30 to 7095¡30 y {BP}. {T}he 238{U}-series radionuclides 210{P}b (half-life 522.3 y) and 226{R}a (half-life 51600 y) also were measured. {T}wo of the samples showed radioactive equilibrium between the nuclides, consistent with the old radiocarbon dates, but the other five samples showed excess 210{P}b. {W}hen corrected for radioactive decay, the 226{R}a activities were much greater than those found in living {N}autilus. {W}e conclude that exposure to high activities of 222{R}n and 226{R}a in the salty groundwater of the cenote altered the activities originally incorporated into the shells. {H}uman placement of the shells in the cavity is rejected based on their radiocarbon age and the geometry of the cenote. {T}he most probable explanation is that the animals entered the flooded karstic system through a connection on the seaward side at approximately 7,000 y {BP}, during an interval of slowly rising sea level. {U}nable to find an exit and/or due to anoxic bottom waters, the animals were trapped and died inside. {T}he open connection with the sea persisted for ,700 y, but after ,6400 y {BP}, the connection was lost, probably due to a roof collapse. {T}his is a rare example of {N}autilus in a karstic coastal basin and provides a minimum age for the appearance of {N}. macromphalus in the {L}oyalty {I}slands.}, keywords = {{INVERTEBRE} {AQUATIQUE} ; {NIVEAU} {MARIN} ; {DATATION} ; {PALEONTOLOGIE} ; {NAUTILE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {LOYAUTE} ; {LIFOU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, numero = {}, pages = {e113372 [13 ]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0113372}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065811}, }