@article{fdi:010065772, title = {{E}ffect of a marine protected area on tropical estuarine fish assemblages : comparison between protected and unprotected sites in {S}enegal}, author = {{S}adio, {O}umar and {S}imier, {M}onique and {E}coutin, {J}ean-{M}arc and {R}affray, {J}ean and {L}a{\¨e}, {R}aymond and {T}ito de {M}orais, {L}uis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} comparative study of fish assemblages of a marine protected area and an exploited area was carried out in the {S}ine {S}aloum estuary ({S}enegal, {W}est {A}frica). {D}ata were collected at these two sites between 2008 and 2011. {T}he two areas are morphologically similar, and comparison of the physicochemical parameters (salinity, transparency, temperature and percentage of saturation of dissolved oxygen) showed that the water masses are similar. {T}he bio-ecological indicators and ecological, trophic and size structures were also compared. {G}iven the environmental similarity of the two sites, their differences in bio-ecological characteristics and fish assemblage organization can be explained by the protection status of the {MPA}. {T}he species richness and fish abundance per sampling unit were higher in the exploited site, but the mean trophic level and the observed maximum size of individuals were higher in the {MPA}. {A}lthough slightly higher for the {MPA}, the differences observed for biomass and average size between the two sites were not significant. {T}he beta diversity in the {MPA} was higher than in the exploited site. {T}he fish assemblage was dominated in terms of abundance by two pelagic herbivores {E}thmalosa fimbriata (80%) and {S}ardinella maderensis (12.3%) and in terms of biomass by {E}. fimbriata (37.4%) and a benthic predator, {A}rius latiscutatus (23.7%). {T}he assemblage of the {MPA} had a marine affinity characterized by the presence of piscivorous or generalist predators; large individuals were not uncommon. {I}n the exploited site, the fish assemblage was relatively stable, dominated in abundance by {E}. fimbriata (33.4%) and {S}. maderensis (32.8%). {I}n terms of biomass, a species of mullet, {L}iza dumerili, ranked first (26.2%), followed by {E}. fimbriata (22.4%) and {S}. maderensis (14.9%). {T}he assemblage in the exploited site had a more estuarine affinity, dominated by detritivorous or phytophagous herbivores. {I}ndividuals observed there were mostly of small or medium size. {T}his study confirms that the establishment of {MPA} is an effective tool for restoring marine biodiversity and trophic structure of fish assemblages.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean and {C}oastal {M}anagement}, volume = {116}, numero = {}, pages = {257--269}, ISSN = {0964-5691}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.08.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065772}, }