@article{fdi:010065680, title = {{R}eturn migration of highly skilled scientists and engineers to {M}orocco : return or circulation ?}, author = {{G}aillard, {A}.{M}. and {G}aillard, {J}acques}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he qualification level of the emigrating {M}oroccans rose steadily in the 1990s, and especially since the year 2000. {A}t present, an estimated 20 per cent of the highly qualified {M}oroccans live abroad. {S}tudent migration, which accounts for a large part of this 20 per cent, is contributing substantially to keeping this level high. {F}or the last 20 years {M}orocco has been testing actions to mobilise and reconnect its {S}&{T} diaspora. {T}he related special programmes and institutions are discussed and analysed in this article. {R}esults are mixed, especially if measured against the original goals and the high expectations of the {MRE}s ({M}arocains {R}esidant a l'{E}tranger: {M}oroccans living abroad). {I}n response to these weaknesses and criticisms, proposals for institutional reorganisation and programme revisions have recently been put forth, or tested, but it is too early to evaluate the outcome. {I}nterviews conducted in {M}orocco and in {E}urope with scientists who returned to their country or were part of the diaspora living in {E}urope indicate a very strong desire to participate in the development of {M}orocco, but also highlight inhibiting factors inherent in the public higher education and research. {T}he international mobility of the interviewees was a constant but not all thought that {M}orocco would be their final landing place. {M}any of them are the forerunners in a new type of mobility system that will contribute (together with the reform measures that {M}orocco will have to adopt) to making the {M}oroccan national research system attract {M}oroccan and foreign scientists for all or part of their professional career.}, keywords = {{RECHERCHE} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {MIGRATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {DIASPORA} ; {EXODE} {DES} {COMPETENCES} ; {SOCIOLOGIE} {DE} {LA} {SCIENCE} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {LA} {SCIENCE} ; {MIGRATION} {DE} {RETOUR} ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {{R}eturn from migration and circulation of highly educated people : the never ending brain drain}, journal = {{S}cience {T}echnology and {S}ociety}, volume = {20}, numero = {3}, pages = {414--434}, ISSN = {0971-7218}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065680}, }