@article{fdi:010065667, title = {{S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frican migrants living with {HIV} acquired after migration, {F}rance, {ANRS} {PARCOURS} study, 2012 to 2013}, author = {{D}esgrees-du-{L}ou, {A}nnabel and {P}annetier, {J}. and {R}avalihasy, {A}. and {G}osselin, {A}. and {S}upervie, {V}. and {P}anjo, {H}. and {B}ajos, {N}. and {L}ert, {F}. and {L}ydie, {N}. and {D}ray-{S}pira, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e estimated the proportion of migrants from sub-{S}aharan {A}frica who acquired human immunodeficiency virus ({HIV}) while living in {F}rance. {L}ife-event and clinical information was collected in 2012 and 2013 from a random sample of {HIV}-infected outpatients born in sub-{S}aharan {A}frica and living in the {P}aris region. {W}e assumed {HIV} infection in {F}rance if at least one of the following was fulfilled: (i) {HIV} diagnosis at least 11 years after arrival in {F}rance, (ii) at least one negative {HIV} test in {F}rance, (iii) sexual debut after arrival in {F}rance. {O}therwise, time of {HIV} infection was based on statistical modelling of first {CD}4(+) {T}-cell count; infection in {F}rance was assumed if more than 50% (median scenario) or more than 95% (conservative scenario) of modelled infection times occurred after migration. {W}e estimated that 49% of 898 {HIV}-infected adults born in sub-{S}aharan {A}frica (95% confidence interval ({CI}): 45-53) in the median and 35% (95% {CI}: 31-39) in the conservative scenario acquired {HIV} while living in {F}rance. {T}his proportion was higher in men than women (44% (95% {CI}: 37-51) vs 30% (95% {CI}: 25-35); conservative scenario) and increased with length of stay in {F}rance. {T}hese high proportions highlight the need for improved {HIV} policies targeting migrants.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}urosurveillance}, volume = {20}, numero = {46}, pages = {31--38}, ISSN = {1560-7917}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.2807/1560-7917.es.2015.20.46.30065}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065667}, }