@article{fdi:010065654, title = {{S}patio-temporal dynamics of population structure for macro invertebrates families in a continuum dam - effluent - river in irrigated system. {V}olta {B}asin ({B}urkina {F}aso)}, author = {{S}anogo, {S}. and {K}abre, {J}.{A}.{T}. and {C}ecchi, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} monthly sampling of benthic macro invertebrates was carried out at the hydro-agricultural dam of {B}oura in the {V}olta watershed basin ({B}urkina) during the period of {F}ebruary through {J}uly 2012 in order to describe the structuring of insect succession along with changes occurring in habitats of this irrigated dam farming system. {T}he samples of insects were collected from 6 stations located inside the littoral ({S}tation {I}), the sublittoral ({S}tation {II}), the sewage channel or effluent ({S}tations {III}, {IV}, {V}) and the {M}ouhoun {R}iver ({S}tation {VI}). {T}he sampling method employed is a conventional method by the {E}uropean {U}nion named ā€ {D}irective {C}adre sur lā€™{E}au ({DCE}) ā€ recommended for the survey of benthic macro invertebrates. {T}he survey reveals a community composed majorly of insects (more than 75%) variously distributed. {O}n one hand at the shoreline and the coastal- adjoining zone in the dam, 23 families of macro invertebrates were identified; mostly belonging to the shoreline except for 10 families identified as endemic to the adjoining zone of the coastline. {T}hese two zones of the dam shelter the same malacological fauna consisting of the {U}nionidae, {L}ymneidae, {A}mpullariidae, {P}lanorbidae, {V}alvatidae and {B}ulinidae families. {T}he survey reveals otherwise that the differences between the {S}hannon biological diversity indices for these two zones were more pronounced during the month of {J}uly, the rainy period in the basin. {O}n the other hand, concerning the dam-effluent-river continuum, a total of 35 families are sampled: 27 from dam water and stations near the irrigated zones; and 32 from the station of the sewage channel far from the irrigated zone and the river. {T}he identification of individuals belonging to the family of the {B}aetidae and the {E}phemerellidae (order of {E}phemeroptera) in the river water highlights a subsequent reconstruction of the biodiversity in the river as the presence of both families is an indicator of fertile water. {F}urther analysis on the spatial and temporal distribution involved 17 families out of the 35 sampled not common to all habitats. {T}his lead to the conclusion that changes in natural habitats dictate the clustering patterns of macro invertebrates populations during the year long.}, keywords = {{BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {R}esearch {J}ournal of {A}gricultural {P}olicy and {R}esearch}, volume = {2}, numero = {5}, pages = {{P}; 203--214}, ISSN = {{ISSN} 2350-1561}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065654}, }