@incollection{fdi:010065584, title = {{H}eavy metals contamination in the ecosystem of {M}ae {T}hang reservoir in {N}orthern {T}hailand}, author = {{G}rellier, {S}. and {S}eyler, {P}atrick and {P}etitjean, {C}. and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {T}hothong, {W}. and {J}aneau, {J}ean-{L}ouis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ne critical concern for {T}hailand reservoirs which are used for irrigated agriculture (mainly paddy rice) and aquaculture is the lack of information on contamination from trace metal element ({TME}) in waters and biological compartments of the reservoirs. {TME} are both from natural and anthropogenic origins and may affect the quality of lake waters and food chain. {T}he goal of this study was to evaluate the contamination in {TME} and study their transfer between the different compartments in and downstream of the reservoir. {F}ourteen {TME} have been measured in water column (dissolved phase), fishes, and sediments of the {M}ae {T}hang {R}eservoir (northern {T}hailand) as well as soil and rice grains of irrigated area. {A}nalyses were performed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer ({ICP}-{MS}). {T}his 2-year study showed that {TME} concentrations in water were lower than standards for irrigation and aquatic life. {H}owever, localized values of {F}e and {M}n were higher than the standard in the bottom of the reservoir in dry season. {TME} in sediments were relatively high compared to pristine lakes. {T}wo species of fish were contaminated in {A}s and {N}i. {S}oils exceeded standard values for {C}r, {N}i, and {C}u, while rice grains showed contamination in {N}i that indicated a transfer between soil and rice grain. {T}he accumulation of {TME} in sediments showed that upstream cultivated areas may have contributed to bring {TME} in the reservoir. {TME} concentrations in fishes were thus affected and should be controlled. {A}ccumulation of {TME} in soils of paddy field due to the use of pesticides and fertilizer may increase contamination of rice in the long term.}, keywords = {{THAILANDE}}, booktitle = {{S}ocio-ecological dimensions of infectious diseases in {S}outheast {A}sia}, numero = {}, pages = {57--74}, address = {{S}ingapour}, publisher = {{S}pringer}, series = {}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/978-981-287-527-3_5}, ISBN = {978-981-287-526-6 ; 978-981-287-527-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065584}, }