@article{fdi:010065535, title = {{O}n tridimensional rip current modeling}, author = {{M}archesiello, {P}atrick and {B}enshila, {R}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {U}chiyama, {Y}. and {M}c{W}illiams, {J}. {C}. and {S}hchepetkin, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}o lateral shear instabilities of nearshore circulation account for a substantial part of {V}ery {L}ow-{F}requency ({VLF}) variability? {I}f yes, it would promote stirring and mixing of coastal waters and surf-shelf exchanges. {A}nother question is whether tridimensional transient processes are important for instability generation. {A}n innovative modeling system with tridimensional wave-current interactions was designed to investigate transient nearshore currents and interactions between nearshore and innershelf circulations. {W}e present here some validation of rip current modeling for the {A}quitanian coast of {F}rance, using in-situ and remote video sensing. {W}e then proceed to show the benefits of 3{D} versus 2{D} (depth-mean flow) modeling of rip currents and their low-frequency variability. {I}t appears that a large part of {VLF} motions is due to intrinsic variability of the tridimensional flow. 3{D} models may thus provide a valuable, only marginally more expensive alternative to conventional 2{D} approaches that miss the vertical flow structure and its nonlinear interaction with the depth-averaged flow.}, keywords = {{R}ip current ; {I}ntrinsic variability ; {T}ridimensional modeling ; {V}ideo imaging ; {B}iscarrosse beach ; {FRANCE} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean {M}odelling}, volume = {96}, numero = {1}, pages = {36--48}, ISSN = {1463-5003}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065535}, }