@article{fdi:010065514, title = {{I}mportance of predation and viral lysis for bacterial mortality in a tropical western {I}ndian coral-reef ecosystem ({T}oliara, {M}adagascar)}, author = {{B}ouvy, {M}arc and {G}ot, {P}. and {B}ettarel, {Y}van and {B}ouvier, {T}. and {C}arr{\'e}, {C}laire and {R}oques, {C}. and {R}odier, {M}artine and {L}ope, {J}. {C}. and {A}rfi, {R}obert}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ize fractionation was performed using water from the {G}reat {R}eef of {T}oliara ({M}adagascar) taken from two different habitats (ocean and lagoon) during the dry and wet seasons, to study the growth and mortality rates of bacterioplankton. {E}xperiments were conducted with 1 and 100% of heterotrophic nanoflagellate ({HNF}) concentrations and virus-free water was obtained by tangential filtration (10k{D}a). {D}uring the dry season, in both environments, bacterial abundance and production were significantly lower than values recorded during the wet season. {B}acterial growth rates without grazers were 0.88 day(-1) in the lagoon and 0.58 day(-1) in the ocean. {H}owever, growth rates were statistically higher without grazers and viruses (1.58 day(-1) and 1.27 day(-1)). {A}n estimate of virus-induced bacterial mortality revealed the important role played by viruses in the lagoon (0.70 day(-1)) and the ocean (0.69 day(-1)). {D}uring the wet season, bacterial growth rates without grazers were significantly higher in both environments than were values obtained in the dry season. {H}owever, the bacterial growth rates were paradoxally lower in the absence of viruses than with viruses in both environments. {O}ur results suggest that changes in nutrient concentrations can play an important role in the balance between viral lysis and {HNF} grazing in the bacterial mortality. {H}owever, virus-mediated bacterial mortality is likely to act simultaneously with nanoflagellates pressure in their effects on bacterial communities.}, keywords = {factor control ; grazing experiment ; {HNF} grazing ; lagoon and ocean ; environment ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {MOZAMBIQUE} {CANAL} ; {TULEAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine and {F}reshwater {R}esearch}, volume = {66}, numero = {11}, pages = {1009--1017}, ISSN = {1323-1650}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1071/mf14253}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065514}, }