@article{fdi:010065488, title = {{S}ampling strategies for phlebotomine sand flies ({D}iptera : {P}sychodidae) in {E}urope}, author = {{A}lten, {B}. and {O}zbel, {Y}. and {E}rgunay, {K}. and {K}asap, {O}. {E}. and {C}ull, {B}. and {A}ntoniou, {M}. and {V}elo, {E}. and {P}rudhomme, {J}orian and {M}olina, {R}. and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {S}chaffner, {F}. and {H}endrickx, {G}. and {V}an {B}ortel, {W}. and {M}edlock, {J}. {M}. and {A}lten, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he distribution of phlebotomine sand flies is widely reported to be changing in {E}urope. {T}his can be attributed to either the discovery of sand flies in areas where they were previously overlooked (generally following an outbreak of leishmaniasis or other sand fly-related disease) or to true expansion of their range as a result of climatic or environmental changes. {R}outine surveillance for phlebotomines in {E}urope is localized, and often one of the challenges for entomologists working in non-leishmaniasis endemic countries is the lack of knowledge on how to conduct, plan and execute sampling for phlebotomines, or how to adapt on-going sampling strategies for other haematophagous diptera. {T}his review brings together published and unpublished expert knowledge on sampling strategies for {E}uropean phlebotomines of public health concern in order to provide practical advice on: how to conduct surveys; the collection and interpretation of field data; suitable techniques for the preservation of specimens obtained by different sampling methods; molecular techniques used for species identification; and the pathogens associated with sand flies and their detection methods.}, keywords = {{P}hlebotomus ; sand flies ; {E}urope ; sampling ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin of {E}ntomological {R}esearch}, volume = {105}, numero = {6}, pages = {664--678}, ISSN = {0007-4853}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1017/s0007485315000127}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065488}, }